I don't know if this type will show up normal... anyways. Sometimes it seems like the only time I can blog is when I'm procrastinating, but alas, this is my life.
Today I was on facebook, (as begins far too many of my stories) and I saw this as a comment to a status
And at first I just thought that the girl who commented that just did one of these
where you just randomly pound at keys on the keyboard to show frustration or just that you received the message and are feeling something, anything, about it.
But then I thought about it, and as much as I hate myself for knowing this, that was an acronym. It means "shaking my god damn mother fucking head" and if you don't believe me, I encourage you to go ask Paige D'Avino, the original writer of that comment, if that's what it means and I assure you that she will confirm what I have just said.
For some stupid reason, that overly long acronym got me thinking about everything and we all know what kind of profound conclusionless blogs I produce when I start thinking about everything. I have some things:
1. What sort of INSANE world do we live in in which we can have 7 letter acronyms used in what is as far as I'm concerned, every day communication. At what point is our efficiency too efficient? Would it have taken longer for me to read out the words or for me to figure out the letters? I think maybe we need to extend the vocabulary of today's facebook users so that guessing acronyms is no longer easy. It's just too much sometimes I think.
2. I'm starting a new number but this thought is in no way unconnected to 1. Although this kind of initialism is convenient, it really cuts down out ability to communicate with one another. Coming up with an original way to say something feels far more arbitrary when there are 10 simpler ways to say it and you only have to type 3 (or 7) letters.
3. Reading books is amazing and people should do it more often because if there stops being paperback books and libraries and bookstores, the entire population will burn out their eyes staring at their computer screens instead. The thought of paper going out of style is so foreign and unpleasant thought that I really can't even wrap my head around it, and honestly, I'm not even that avid of a reader. And how ironic is it that I post this in an online format when the beauty of pen and paper are so near and dear to me.
I guess I just sort of hate computers, but I love them just as much. I don't want things to change too much I guess and sometimes the world feels like it's spinning faster than it did the day before. It scares me.
In completely unrelated news
I hate showers at least as much now as I used to, but I think probably a little more. It always feels like man didn't I JUST do this like 24 hours ago? I wish showers were only necessary on a weekly basis. Same goes for eating except I wish I could just eat a really big meal in the middle of my day and not have to worry about it for the rest of the day. My life has been so busy lately that making time to eat three times is nearly impossible. It sucks.
Also my hair is too long so whenever I eat and my hair is down, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get food in it, thus making it sticky and then I have to go take a shower to make it unsticky. Endless. Cycle. Reminds me of a time when Laura told me "I just don't wear pants when I eat anymore" because she would always get food all over herself. I can relate now (actually I've been able to relate to that my whole life, but a lot now too)
I wonder if simplifying your life works the same as cutting down on your electric bill: by doing the little things like unplugging things you don't use and always turning off lights and stuff like that.
things I could do to simplify my life:
1. shave my head
2. I think I'm gonna stop working every night at 9. I will go to work, and gymnastics and school and do my homework between the hours of 7am and 9pm and after that I'm gonna be off the clock. This is something I'm seriously considering, and it doesn't seem like such a big deal now, but honestly I never do homework until at least 9 or 10 o'clock. And that's far too late. Setting a specific working time vs. not working time seems kind of like too much, but 13 hours of mostly work per day really should be enough to get my life done and if it's not, then my life is too hard. There are almost no jobs in the world that demand 13 hours of work daily. Being a teenager is hard sometimes.
3. read books more often.
If you have any suggestions then please comment. This was a long post but it felt good!