Monday, October 31, 2011

I love candy

Sooo I guess I'm gonna talk about November now because I doubt I'll be blogging much if everything goes as planned.  Even if it doesn't go as planned, I still won't be.

I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year! ( , stands for national novel writing month)  The plan is to write a 50,000 word, albeit crappy, novel in the month of November.  Soooo that's happening.  I don't think it will be a very good novel but it will hopefully be a novel so that's good.

Also gymnastics season starts on November 8th.  Which is awesome and I'm super excited, but that with NaNoWriMo and I will have no time to do anything.  Which is not always bad.

Happy halloweeeeen!  This is the first year that I actually feel too old to trick or treat.  It's probably got a lot to do with the fact that it is currently a Monday and therefore no one's really having any parties so I'm kind of just sitting here.  I don't even really have a costume this year- sad, right?  I don't really know how to do halloween without the trick or treating.  I don't want to dress up like a slut and get drunk; All I want is some candy.

If there has *ever* been a time where someone should put me in the favorite quotes section of their facebook, that sentence above is the one.

I plan to go all out next year, if you can call not trick or treating still going all out.  Well at least doing something.  I dunno.  I've never disliked the loss of my childhood as much as I do right now.  That sentence made me sound super depressed but I'm not.  I am just frustrated that people will not give me free candy anymore and call my Dumbledore costume cute. If I tried to get candy dressed in a Dumbledore costume now, I would be a thieving cross-dresser.

So I guess that is kind of depressing.

Whatever, now you know.  I'm NaNoing and I'm gymnasticking and


I just remembered blog! OUR ANNIVERSARY IS THIS MONTH <3333

Well disregard this entire post minus the halloween section, I will probably be doing something fun for our anniversary.  Love you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

School Uniform?

So I have this sort of terrible/awesome idea (it has to do with Hollister Co., which is what makes my idea terrible).  Since at least freshman year, and maybe even before that, I have wanted a school uniform.  I don't want some crappy plaid skirt and an ugly polo- I don't want my daily outfit to be hideous, I just want it to be the same.  And it's not at all about having the same outfit as everybody else, I could honestly give a shit about what my classmates wear, I just don't like picking out clothes.  I know, I know, AP Lang brain, it is clear that public school has destroyed my sense of creativity to the point where I don't even want to pick out an outfit every day, but it's true.  I do not.  I am sick of picking out clothes every morning.

Having a daily, Hayley-specific uniform would make my mornings just a little less stressful and rushed.  Especially with gymnastics season approaching.  From here, it is looking like we may have workouts/practices five or six times a week, and if I did not have to worry about picking out clothes for school, my life would be simpler.  And it's not like I would never use the clothes I already have in my closet- I would wear them to work, out to dinner, on weekends and in college.

So I am considering an experiment: to create and wear a personal uniform for at least a month.  I will buy five polo shirts, one for each day of the school week.  Currently I am planning on buying them from Hollister- that's the Hollister part.  I am thinking black pants as bottoms, either my black jeans or leggings or a skirt with black tights or sweatpants.  Which means that I am leaving part of my outfit to my own discretion on that particular day, as well as whatever accessories, sweaters etc I will be wearing.

So when you think about it, I will be rocking a partial uniform.  Kind of like the partial block we have at school, just to test the waters.

If I were to do this, which I still have not decided, I will definitely do it for all of November and if I like it, I will most likely continue it through February until gymnastics is over and I have my life back.

The best part is, I can violate my personal uniform whenever I like because it's my own.  Hooray.

Does anyone have any different suggestions for the shirt?  That's my only qualm about the whole thing- I will look like SUCH a dork with the lanyard and the polo and everything...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

guess what!
I just sent in my first college app to University of Michigan!

Ohhhh I amuse myself well.

I have a new e-mail, because e-mail addresses make me laugh.

I'm putting it on all of my college apps.  I'm thinking about making this a "thing."  Making e-mail addresses for very specific things like coupons and college.  I would make a but I'm not gonna because this blog is already connected to and that's how I like it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the worries caused by insufficient whole grains.

I just saw a cereal commercial that advertised a cereal that will "help you avoid the distraction of mid-morning hunger"

...seriously?  If I ever worry about the distraction of mid-morning hunger, smack me.  That's insane.  Can you imagine?  "Oh my, I really just don't want to be distracted by the mid-morning hunger I get from the insufficient amount of whole grains in my cereal..."

Ew.  I hate everything about that.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thoughts on home and on stopping.

(this was started on Thursday from my car and finished on Friday from my room.  Or rather, my jail.)

There’s a sketch on the Amanda Show that’s a Survivor spoof in which five or so people sit in a white convertible in a parking lot and the last person there wins the car and a brief case full of money.  If you can remember this show and if you can picture it; I am a contestant in that Survivor spoof.

See, about 30 minutes ago, I ran out of gas in the Dover Elementary School so I had to walk the little girl I was with to the library and then I had to walk back to Dover and I’m now sitting in my car listening to Numb/Encore by Jay Z & Linkin Park, because that’s the only song I have.

And I look like a character on the Amanda Show.

The good thing is that today is a beautiful day.  It’s probably the most beautiful October day I have ever lived in Cleveland.  As much as it sucks to have this happen to me- running out of gas I mean- I appreciate the momentary pause this has put on my life.

Sometimes I can’t help but feel like I’m on a carousel; like the world is spinning and spinning and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.  My life on the weekends, except for work, is generally pretty leisurely but my life during the week is so busy and hectic every day.  That’s only four days out of my seven-day week, but it’s still so much and I’m exhausted all the time.  Although I’ve been admiring it from the windows of the classrooms I daydream in, I haven’t actually gotten the chance to get outside much during the daylight and to just enjoy it.  It’s pretty nice.

I realized today that this was the first day I have walked down Dover Center, which is in my opinion one of the most beautiful streets in Westlake, in years.  Since Music à La Mode in Eighth grade.  A little less than four years, and that’s at least three years too many.  I only have a year left before, in all honesty, I move out of Westlake.  Alone.  To what I hope will be a beautiful place that I can one day call home, or maybe that I’ll just live in for four years before I go find my home.

I know my second grade self would hate me for saying this, but little Hayley, Westlake has been home for 10 years whether I was ready to admit it or not.  I’m not sure if I’ve always appreciated it as much as I should have, but I appreciate it now.  I don’t want this to be a crappy cliché post about home, but that’s kind of what it’s been. 

Taking the mandatory stop of life that was running out of gas was one of the nicest things I have gotten to do in a while.  

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I hate to keep writing Spoilers about The Hunger Games so sorry everyone who hasn't read them, but just x out of this window until next week when I've figured out what to think about them.

Okay so I found this and AGREED

The Hunger Games is SO much better than Twilight but I totally understand what the writer of that post was saying and agree (although I'm more prone to thinking of Gale as Edward and Peeta as Jacob- but whatevs).  Katniss did always pass out during a battle scene and wake up somewhere like a hospital- and that's just clearly lazy writing.  It might take time but I would rather know how the battle goes- it's the effing climax of the book.

I was gonna go through and find more articles that kind of get stuff but then I lost interest because I couldn't find the in-depth type of english-classy analysis I was looking for.  It's cool though.

seee ya later?

End of Mockingjay- spoilers

I would say all of this to a friend of mine (not you izabela, but we can talk about it now) with whom I was discussing the hunger games about 200 pages ago, but I can't say the word fuck to her :


I'm on page 370 of Mockingjay and I would just like to say WHAT THE FUCK SUZANNE COLLINS HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND.  I am so confused and pissed and this must be awesomely persuasive writing because I LITERALLY feel like throwing up-  what the HELL.  When I say things out loud in stead of keeping them locked inside my head sometimes they make more sense but no.  And I just read the paragraph again and still, no.  Instead of killing all of the capitol citizens-ignorant people, innocent, stupid people- they're going to have ANOTHER HUNGER GAMES WHAT?  I'm SORRY?  Because that's not what got this revolution ball ROLLING IN THE FIRST PLACE HOW WAS THIS EVER EVEN AN IDEA WHAT THE FUCK

I'm sorry?  What the hell is going on?  The Hunger Games was a book I understood.  Catching Fire was that awkward sequel book but the writing wasn't yet convoluted and fucking difficult to understand.  But Mockingjay?  I mean the first 300 pages were chill and I got it (it was boring but whatever) but now I don't even understand what half of it is supposed to mean and then

why would Katniss agree to another hunger games for PRIM?  PRIM NEVER WOULD HAVE AGREED TO THAT THAT'S SO VENGEFUL AND DISGUSTING I HATE IT.

Peets is the only clearly thinking person who is still alive in this whole novel and I love him for it


no seriously i just read that page again and i might go vomit
why did she just say thats okay... obviously nothing was ever going to change but WHY WOULD THEY HAVE MORE HUNGER GAMES

oh my GOD

okay I'm going to try to read the last 18 pages now.

Nor quite there yet but Plutarch's parting words to Katniss are "don't be a stranger"  Those were Ray's parting words to Laura and I.  It's funny how similar the two actually are- Plutarch and Ray.  Disregard for the human species, belief it's hopeless and that he is above it for knowing that.  Maybe I'm wrong that that is Ray's outlook but I think it kind of is.

Okay now I've read the last 18 pages and the epilogue.  I'd say the epilogue was underwhelming and a little cliche- if a book does have an epilogue, it's ALWAYS about how the main character had children and the world is full of light and hope.  I'm not really feeling that right now especially when it's rainy and cold outside- but that's just me.

At first I misread the line that said Katniss shot Coin and I just thought it said she had shot Snow.  I skip words when I read and most of the time I don't miss any meaning.  I'm just kind of confused about the whole thing.  Although I completely understand why Katniss shot coin, was that why Katniss agreed to another Hunger Games for the capitol children? Because she knew she would shoot Coin?  Or did she not decide to shoot Coin until she looked in Snow's eyes?

Because I still don't understand how- in any world- Katniss would agree to another hunger games.  That just makes no sense to me.  I wish I could take a class about this series of books.  I want to know the in's and out's of every bit of it.  I want to know about every single metaphor and symbol and what every character meant and the significance of every name, like Snow and Coin, and I want to know why Katniss agreed to another hunger games.  I know that one of the English classes is reading the first book but I need a more in depth learning into all three books.  It's kind of strange that reading for pleasure has made me think this much as well as impressive.

I understand why Collins made the books get so unclear and convoluted as the revolution built up- because Katniss' worlds of the Capitol and the Revolution were on opposite sides but they were the same and even being mixed up with each other.  At least that's what I got from it.  I guess in some ways I just wrote a small analyses of Mockingjay so congrats Mrs. Thomas, I have officially entered into the realm of thinking like an AP Lang student.  I still feel like vomiting.

things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura