I'm not sure why I have found solace in such a short, alliterative nonetheless, sentence but I have. I just like to remember that the word College, to me, has absolutely no true meaning in comparison to what it will be. I'm not saying I plan to be disappointed, I am just saying that I certainly plan to be surprised. Though how does one plan to be surprised anyways?
I wanted to share with you my senior survey because whenever I write something that I find amusing, I like to think that other people would find it amusing as well maybe. But maybe you won't, I don't really care. I am going to skip the questions I answered average-ly and the ones I didn't answer at all:
1. What is your advice to freshman?
Don't let your schooling interfere with you education. Work hard to become an intelligent, well educated human being and your reward for doing so will find its way to you eventually.
4. If I could do high school over, I would....
I would not.
7. What is the craziest thing a teacher has said to you?
"Sopranos, just pick any note. It's a dissonant chord, no one will be able to tell the difference." -Richardson. (By any note, he literally meant any note that has ever happened)
8. Where is the best place to spend senior privileges?
At home, in my bed, power napping.
9. What is the worst fashion trend?
Pants. Ever.
12. Senior Quote:
Ah. This is the problem. I think because of my particular affinity for words I am a little taken aback by the fact that the quote which will be published in this yearbook for the rest of time as far as it concerns me, was asked on a normal piece of paper that barely found its way to me. But yes, this is my problem. I have to turn in my senior quote tomorrow, and I am having a tough time thinking about what I want to say forever. I surely am making a bigger deal of this quote deal than I should be, but once again it is true that not only college, but the future as well is a fucking fantasy and I am not really sure what will happen. I like words too much to get the quote wrong.
There are a lot of quotes that I am considering, and here they are (unformatted because apparently blogger wants me to hang myself), starting with the whimsical and moving into the less whimsical (this was the original plan but then the internet was sadistic). It's okay if you are only here to read my words, and don't feel like reading all of the quotes I like. Though there may or may not be something special for you if you read all the way to the bottom though... (no cheating, asshole.)
- Identity theft is not a joke.
- Estoy viendo amas de casa desperadas.
-Chi vuol la zingarella?
-Don't forget to be awesome
….[I became a writer] Because I liked telling stories. And I found it fulfilling and I felt less crazy and less unhappy when I was telling stories.
- Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia.
- And then something invisible inside her snapped, and that which had come together commenced to fall apart.
- When you stopped wishing things wouldn’t fall apart, you’d stop suffering when they did.
- I don’t have to wait until I die to start seeking a great perhaps.
- What a long strange trip it’s been. Yeah, that’s frickin’ profound.
- I love bacon I love you I love bacon I love you
- I don’t know I like to bathe with friends
- I mean no harm to your planet, I will attack if you attempt to pop me
- I am man, I am zitless. Hear me roar.
- You’re my best friend. Let’s hold hands.
- I know, let’s call him captain poo-face
- Awesome Jackie got hit in the head!
- Steve Holt!
- Bobby Sutton’s a god.
- What a long strange trip it’s been in Forman’s basement.
- I love Jackie Burkhart.
- Even if it’s a dumb story, telling it changes people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. An infinitesimal change. And that infinitesimal change ripples outward —ever smaller but everlasting. I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter —maybe less that a lot, but always more than none.
- But there is all this time between when the cracks start to open and when we finally fall apart. And it’s only in that time that we can see one another, because we see out of ourselves through the cracks and into others through theirs.Congratulations for finishing! Here is your prize:
Alright that is honestly all of the awesome your brain can handle.
Oh god, now I am considering "10 points for Gryffindor" as well. I need to stop thinking about things I like
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA #7. I'm voting for the bacon quote. Which one did you choose?