So my 2011 goals were:
1. At the end of 2011, I want to have 365 pictures showing my life in a year.
2. I want to start a dailybooth!
3. To exercise sometimes maybe, I don't know.
4. To be less lazy and do more things even if they do require getting out of bed.
5. To read twenty books. I don't really read at all right now so this is probably the one I'm going to have the most trouble keeping.
6. To start a collab channel on youtube with my big brother, Beau!
7. To get into college.
1. Nope. Never did this.
2. Nope. Don;t need more social networking. At aaaaaall.
3. Yep. I worked out definitely more than the year before soooo awesome.
4. Yeah netflix really killed my ability to do that
5. I'm not entirely sure if I quite read twenty. I kept track but then I lost my list. I recently found it and I believe I read about 18 but I may have forgotten a couple that I read. Either way I read more this year than I have for a long time so I achieved my ultimate goal anyways!
6. Nope.
7. Nope.
Okay so I kind of failed at new years resolutions. I'm not really the type of person to be particularly harsh on myself about that though soooo... yeah whatever.
I do want to make some for next year of course, although probably less ambitiously considering t hat I now know better what I might actually do.
1. Read twenty books including the three Girl With the Dragon Tattoo books and Sarah's Key and 3 classic, boring books. Holla.
2. Get into college.
3. Work out a lot, be able to do multiple pull-ups without kipping
4. Watch Archer.
That's pretty much all I really care about doing at this point because I'm a bum.
I'm watching the Swedish Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2009(which proves both my exceptional ability to type as well as my exceptional ability to multitask) and I have some observations already between the Swedish and the American movies.
1. The Swedish actors are far less exaggerated looking than the American ones. For example, American Mikael, played by Daniel Craig is obvies, mega-attractive looking, whereas The Swedish Mikael is really just an average looking guy. And American Lisbeth is exaggerated in that she is so strange looking and you've really never seen anyone who looked like her before, while Swedish Lisbeth is not particularly normal looking but also isn't shocking to look at, she just has a few extra piercings and an edgier short haircut than the average 24 year old.
2. The fact that they had swedish accents in the American make of the movie is just fairly ridiculous. Like it's not like they were speaking English when it happened, they were in effing Sweden. They were speaking Swedish. You don't have to pretend like an accent increases the authenticity of the spoken language, because it doesn't. It's just sort of hokey and convoluted. It almost seems a tad bit insulting to the Swedes that an American version was made so soon after theirs. It kind of reinforces the ugly American outlook because whoever decided to make this one decided that either a)the swedish Dragon Tattoo wasn't good enough or b) that Americans shouldn't be forced to read
3. That would have been really cool if some of the actors had been in both... like the guy in Batman
Yay for pretty bland boring posts wooooo
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