1. Location- City, State. Whether it was a good or bad place to live
2. Location- proximity to home. Within a 5 hour drive
3. Ratio of women to men- (60/40 max.)I know this one is stupid but I don't want to go to a school with 66% females. I just don't.
4. Major- Education (general)
5. Major- Secondary Education (this one was kind of like a bonus point.)
6. Major- Arabic
7. Major- Spanish
8. Major- International Relations
9. Number of students- between 4,000 and 15,000
10. Cost- <40,000
For the initial rating, I'm going to type what the college doesn't have.
7 m/w, loc/prox, maj/ar.,
Bradley U
8 loc/prox, maj/ar
Brown U
6 $, maj./sec.ed., maj/ar., loc/prox
Bucknell U
7 loc/prox, maj/ar, #
Butler U
7 prox, ar, #
Colgate U
5 #, prox., $, ar., sec. ed.,
Dartmouth C
5 $, prox., ed, sec.ed., internat'l relat.
Duquesne U
9 arabic
Elmhurst C
5 #, m/w, prox., ar, internat'l relat.
Elon U
8 prox, ar
Fairfield U
4 #, m/w, prox., ar, ed, sec. ed.
Gannon U
6 #, ar, span, int.rel.
George Washington U
7 prox, sec.ed., $
Gettysburg C
5 #, $, ed.sec., ar., prox
Grove City C
7 int.rel., #, ar.
Hobart and William Smith C
4 prox, #, $, ed., sec.ed., ar.
Hofstra U
7 ar, int.re., prox
Indiana U Pennsylvania
8 sec.ed., ar
Ithaca C
7 ar., int.re., prox.
Lake Superior SU
7 #, prox, ar,
Loyola U
7 prox., m/w, ar.
Manhattan C
6 #, prox., ar., int.re
Miami U Ohio
9 arabic
Michigan SU
9 #
Middlebury C
4 #, $, ed., ed. sec., ar, prox.,
Millersville U Pa
8 prox, ar
Muhlenberg C
5 ed., sec.ed., ar., #., prox.
Nazareth C
5 m/w, #, prox, ar., int.re.
7 prox., $, ar
Otterbein U
7 ar, m/w, #
Providence C
6 prox., #, ar., int.re
Rhode Island C
7 m/w, prox., ar. (doesn't have int.re. but does have international ngo studies and that is awesome.)
Rowan U
7 prox., int.re., ar.
Seton Hall U
8 prox., ar.
Springfield C
5 #, prox., span., ar. int.re.
Stonehill C
5 #, m/w, sec.ed., ar.prox
Syracuse U
8 prox., ar.
Trinity C
5 #, $, sec.ed., ar., prox
Tufts U
6 $, sec.ed., ar., prox
U Chicago
6 prox., $, ed., sec.ed.,
U Evansville
7 #, ar., prox.
U Findlay
7 m/w, ar., int.re.,
U Hartford
7 prox., span., ar.,
U Indianapolis
7 m/w., prox., ar.
U Maine
8 prox., ar.,
U Pennsylvania
6 $, sec.ed., ar., prox
U Vermont
7 ar., prox., int.re.
Valparaiso U
8 #, ar.,
Vassar C
4 #, $. prox., ed., sec.ed., ar.
Wheaton C
7 #, ar., prox.
Wilkes U
6 #, sec.ed., ar., prox.
York C of Pa
8 ar., prox.
Ohio SU
8 #, sec.ed.
These are the first 50 results from my naviance search:
Ohio U
8 #, ar.
U Montana
7 ar., #, loc./undesirable ...
U Virginia
5 ed., sec.ed., prox., #, ar.
Washington U in St. Louis
8 $, prox.,
U of Michigan
8 #, int.re.
DePaul U
9 prox.
U Maryland: College Park
7 int.re., prox., #
U Cincinnati
8 #, ar.
Castleton SC
6 #, prox., int.re., ar.
Berry C
6 m/w, prox., #, ar.
C of Wooster
6 #, sec.ed., int.re., ar.
Northeastern Illinois U
6 ar., int.re, sec.ed., prox.,
Rider U
8 ar., prox.,
Okay and out of all those colleges, if none of them seem good then I'll come back and look over these last few and see if they're good but unless that happens, I may never look at these ones below this. I am far too lazy.
Illinois Wesleyan U
Indiana SU
Aurora U
William Patterson U of NJ
SUNY Cortland
Shepherd U
Quinnipiac U
Salem SU
SUNY C at Oswego
U Richmond
Augusta SU
U of SC upstate
Binghamton U- SUNY
Clemson U
Brooklyn C- CUNY
U of MI- Flint
SUNY at Purchase College
Indiana U- South Bend
American International College
Dominican C
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