Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Recapitulation of 2011 so far


Soooooo way back in March and April, I was spending far too much time on my laptop.  Because apparently I haven't re-watched vlogbrothers videos enough?  But I kind of realized it and that I was just squandering away precious time with which I could be, I don't know, doing something productive like perhaps studying for the SAT?  (sidenote: did you know that even if you buy the Official SAT Study Guide, you still have to study?  I kind of was hoping it would just inception itself into my brain...)


Yeah so my internet use was verging on problematic (whatwith all of the porn as well*) but then I had to give my laptop back to Kent.  Which meant that being on the internet would mean like, LEAVING MY ROOM.  Which is never fun.  So I started reading instead!  And I have read in the past two months, probablyyyy seven books (aka more books than I have collectively read since eighth grade).  Which means that I might actually meet, and probably surpass, my goal of reading 20 books in 2011.  Which is pretty good!

A few weeks ago, my life was restored to normal because my dad hooked me up with his old laptop from work.  It's a dell, and it's only slightly newer than the Kent one I had (which was also a Dell).  The good news is that this laptop runs really fast because my dad didn't use it much so there aren't any viruses**.

But seeing as I'm having so much success with the book reading, isn't it about time I check up on my new years resolutions?

To recap (which I just realized is short for recapitulate), they are:
1.  At the end of 2011, I want to have 365 pictures showing my life in a year. 
2.  I want to start a dailybooth! 
3.  To exercise sometimes maybe, I don't know.
4.  To be less lazy and do more things even if they do require getting out of bed.
5.  To read twenty books.  I don't really read at all right now so this is probably the one I'm going to have the most trouble keeping.
6.  To start a collab channel on youtube with my big brother, Beau!
7.  To get into college.

Well #1 so far is such a fail.  I failed after 8 days.  That's okay though, notttt too torn up about that one.  I never did #2 either but I think that's because I later made an internal resolution to not use more social networking sites than I already do.  Seeing as #3 was really vague (as it was meant to be) I'm doing pretty good at it.  I work out more maybe, sometimes, I guess.  I don't really know what #4 was supposed to mean.  I'll have to keep it in mind.  We have already spoken about how well #5 is going.  #6 will not happen until Summer probskies.  I'm not doing so well on #7 seeing as I skip classes on days when I have quizzes and then realize later that I won't be allowed to make them up***.  So maybe I should work on having less crappy grades then?  Except for that I decided that I really want to go to DePaul!  Which, believe it or not, Naviance says could actually happen because my grades are good enough! Hoorah!

As far as 2011 goes, I think it's a pretty good year and I don't have any huge complaints.  Only HOLY SHIT!!
9 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT.  SINGLE DIGITS, BABY! God that is so awesome. 

p.s.  I have a super duper surprise post that should be pretty cool to be posted either on June 9th or 10th.  Get pump'd.

*that was a joke
**don't worry though, I'll virus it up.
***Mom, if you're reading this, ummmmm that's awkward.  Except for you skipped class all the time when you lived in Costa Rica... so it's not like I'm the only sometimes truant teenager in this family.  Not that you're a teenager.  But you used to be!

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things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura