Thursday, May 19, 2011

8tracks for the win!

So there is one more site (other than facebook, youtube, and blogger) that I am constantly on.  It's called 8tracks, and I can't get anyone else I know to use it!  8tracks is a really good music listening site, sort of like  The difference is that on 8tracks you can listen, for free, to playlists that other people have made.  It's really interesting to listen to how a group of songs together can all communicate a similar mood to the listener, which is kind of the point.  It's also a really good way to find new artists, songs, genres (I found dubstep on there.  yeeeee.), whatever.

People make every type of playlist on 8tracks, for any mood you're in, for any activity you're doing. It leans towards less popular stuff, so if you go on there expecting to find Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift, you'd probably have to look for it for a bit.

The problem with it is that 8tracks is really good for me because I spend copious amounts of time on my laptop, so listening through an entire playlist works for my computer schedule.  If you just check your e-mail here and there throughout the day and rarely spend more than 10 minutes at a time on the internet, 8tracks isn't going to work as well for you.

ANYWAYS it's awesome.

These are my favorite playlists:
We Are Young- consists of happy, summery, fun songs themed around being young. Obvies.

Someone Does Love You- cheesy name excused, these are all pretty cute love songs.

A Mix With Which to Cross the Atlantic- this is a kind of cheesy, adventurey, get-things-done, believe-in-yourself mix. It has a few really good songs on it and alltogether the songs go well together

Face Melting Dubstep- this one is obviously, just some really face melting dubstep. I'll be bumping this all Summer.

music that makes you feel important- this is all prominent themes from movies or tv shows or just really popular band music. It has no lyrics and the exciting pace of the music makes it really good for last-minute essay writing.

Musical Coffee- a really really excellent way to start your day.

for when you can't decide if you're happy or sad- exactly that. it's a very sunday night, just chillin out reading a book type playlist. This one is probably the most special to me, because when I listen to it, I always instantly feel a little better.

Songs that should be played on repeat.- All of these songs are so good. I went out and actually paid for some of them, and that's saying something.

Okay well I hope that if you're ever spending awhile on the computer you'll think to listen to your music at 8tracks!  It's the bessttttt.

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things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura