Friday, December 30, 2011


So my 2011 goals were:
1.  At the end of 2011, I want to have 365 pictures showing my life in a year. 
2.  I want to start a dailybooth! 
3.  To exercise sometimes maybe, I don't know.
4.  To be less lazy and do more things even if they do require getting out of bed.
5.  To read twenty books.  I don't really read at all right now so this is probably the one I'm going to have the most trouble keeping.
6.  To start a collab channel on youtube with my big brother, Beau!
7.  To get into college.

1.  Nope.  Never did this.
2.  Nope.  Don;t need more social networking.  At aaaaaall.
3.  Yep.  I worked out definitely more than the year before soooo awesome.
4.  Yeah netflix really killed my ability to do that
5.  I'm not entirely sure if I quite read twenty.  I kept track but then I lost my list.  I recently found it and I believe I read about 18 but I may have forgotten a couple that I read.  Either way I read more this year than I have for a long time so I achieved my ultimate goal anyways!
6.  Nope.
7.  Nope.

Okay so I kind of failed at new years resolutions.  I'm not really the type of person to be particularly harsh on myself about that though soooo... yeah whatever.

I do want to make some for next year of course, although probably less ambitiously considering t hat I now know better what I might actually do.

1. Read twenty books including the three Girl With the Dragon Tattoo books and Sarah's Key and 3 classic, boring books.  Holla.
2.  Get into college. 
3.  Work out a lot, be able to do multiple pull-ups without kipping
4.  Watch Archer.

That's pretty much all I really care about doing at this point because I'm a bum.

I'm watching the Swedish Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2009(which proves both my exceptional ability to type as well as my exceptional ability to multitask) and I have some observations already between the Swedish and the American movies.

1.  The Swedish actors are far less exaggerated looking than the American ones. For example, American Mikael, played by Daniel Craig is obvies, mega-attractive looking, whereas The Swedish Mikael is really just an average looking guy.  And American Lisbeth is exaggerated in that she is so strange looking and you've really never seen anyone who looked like her before, while Swedish Lisbeth is not particularly normal looking but also isn't shocking to look at, she just has a few extra piercings and an edgier short haircut than the average 24 year old.

2.  The fact that they had swedish accents in the American make of the movie is just fairly ridiculous.  Like it's not like they were speaking English when it happened, they were in effing Sweden.  They were speaking Swedish.  You don't have to pretend like an accent increases the authenticity of the spoken language, because it doesn't.  It's just sort of hokey and convoluted.  It almost seems a tad bit insulting to the Swedes that an American version was made so soon after theirs.  It kind of reinforces the ugly American outlook because whoever decided to make this one decided that either a)the swedish Dragon Tattoo wasn't good enough or b) that Americans shouldn't be forced to read

3.  That would have been really cool if some of the actors had been in both... like the guy in Batman

Yay for pretty bland boring posts wooooo

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Ahhhh Winter.  You are still not really here.

List of thoughts:
1.  If you haven't already clicked this link from my last post, you should go ahead and do that because it is the truest thing ever said.... there ya go.  Also read the comments because half the fun of imgur is comments.  I like my job and retail and all but this week was just tooooo much.  I feel like I just sold a week of my break and I only have a week left to use it but I don't really because of gymnastics and work.  Just because I don't have school doesn't mean I don't still have to lie to people in order to get free time unfortunately.

but anyways yesterday, I was working because we are a kind store who stays open for all of the jackasses who want to shop on Christmas Eve.  So I am just being the most helpful and quick salesperson ever trying to get people in and out as quickly as possible because nothing is nicer than a little lull in which I can go have a few bites and sips of sustenance and whatnot.  BUT I would walk up to people all smiley and adorable and say "Are we looking for anything special today?" and people would say no, JUST LOOKING.


2.  I've been waiting for Winter so that I can secretly curl up with twilight and listen to John Mayer in my bed with the lamp on.  I haven't even cracked open a Twilight book since I finished the last one 2 years ago, but it still kind of serves as a guilty pleasure for me.  Like I would enjoy just reading something lame with lame music and not think about it and just believe the love as it is.  The reason I always put Twilight with John Mayer is that when I first read them, I was also first listening to John Mayer in bulk.  AKA I had recently downloaded all of his works.  But if you think about it, John Mayer is kind of the Twilight of music... just me? Yeah okay.

3.  Because I have been working my butt off this past week, my next pay check is going to be, I believe, the biggest paycheck I will have ever gotten.  And because I feel self pity on my busy little self, I definitely am just planning on buying myself presents.  And that's kind of just how I get through so much work.  I just fantasize about the things I will irresponsibly buy.  iPhone?  Sure!  Lita boots?  Fuck yeah!

4.  Christmas was fun!  My favorite presents are the ones my friends got me.  Sam, Laura, Riss you all did lovely this year and I love you so much <3333 yum.
If there has EVER been something that described my life perfectly at a particular moment it is

Thursday, December 22, 2011

college essay

This is the college essay I am submitting to Loyola.  You might notice that at the end I didn't exactly come up with a conclusion so I just left it... hahah definitely my writing weakness

Sitting in the lifeguard chair around noon on July 2nd, I watched kid after kid jump from the diving board into the pool and swim to the ladder.  Sitting by the diving well required much more vigilance than anywhere else for a few reasons, the first being that only one lifeguard sits by the diving well at a time, as opposed to the five or six usually guarding the main pool.  The second reason is that although the diving well is much smaller and always has fewer occupants than the main pool; people struggle to swim in there more often than they do anywhere else in the entire aquatics department of Westlake.
Although I could usually get a sense for whether or not kids were able to handle the diving board, Steven had a certain confidence that made his ineptitude at swimming elusive to me.  He was 12, and he was only a little shorter than five feet tall.  He simply gave no signs that he did not know how to swim.  I watched him coolly climb up the three-step ladder onto the board; I watched him calmly walk to the edge of the board; I watched him extend his legs and jump right into the 12-foot abyss below him.
As most kids do, he sunk a few feet down but then floated back up to the surface, though he was not moving his arms or legs in a way that indicated he was trying to swim; his movements were more random and spasmodic.  I waited a moment for him to get his bearings in the water, but he did not.
I threw the lifeguard tube that I was supposed to use in these kinds of situations to the side and I dove into the pool.  I grabbed him around his torso with my left arm and used my right arm and legs to propel us to the edge.  Steven was not even shaken up, and he climbed out of the pool like everything was normal.  I however, must have looked white as a sheet, as one of the nearby parents asked me if I was okay.  I said yes, but as I looked down I noticed that my hand was trembling.
Only a month later, I chose to leave my lifeguarding job to work at a local boutique owned by a friend of my mother.  I liked lifeguarding, but I do admit that it was dull at times and that I was looking for something more engaging.  In the few months I have spent working at Cara’s Boutique, I have still been dealing with emergencies, although they tend to be on a much smaller scale and they tend to be along the lines of “what color bracelet should I get for my wife.” 
Between the two jobs I have held, I have learned that most of the important things in life are less likely to be nouns than they are to be verbs.  It is important to love yourself and others; it is important to be generous; it is important to smile.  

Thursday, December 15, 2011

George Mason, I will never attend you.

George Mason admissions officers keep sending me e-mails telling me about why I should go to Mason and how awesome it would be.  They do it all the time, and upon reading this little gem of a paragraph, I figured it's about time I analyzed my life:

"I can only imagine how you're feeling right now, senior year is flying by, and you're trying to succeed in what is likely the toughest course load you're experienced in high school.  ON top of that, you're also taking standardized tests, participating in endless after-school activities, and let's not forget, trying to actually enjoy your senior year with your friends.  It's difficult to balance it all, especially when you have to start thinking about college."

Alright George Mason, let's be real I'm getting a tab bit sick of you pretending like you know my life, so:
1.  Senior year is not flying by.  It's kind of trudging along a path made of knives.
2.  I'm not really trying to succeed honestly, just trying to pass
3.  Not my toughest course load.  Probably the least tough course load I have ever had including middle school sooooo
4.  and possibly including elementary school.
5.  You are right about one thing, the after-school activities pretty much just keep coming.  Unrelentlessly.  Sucking out my soul.
6.  Real talk, I'm not really trying to enjoy anything so much as get through it as painlessly as possible, which, might I add, is not going super well
7.  Enjoyment is for Summer.  Not for school.
8.  Start? thinking about college? START.  How could I possibly just be starting now when not only is it December of my senior year but it has also been about 7 months since you started all of this emailing so you should probably just leave me alone my GOD TROUBLE IN THE WATER

Yeah I just thought that everything they said was wrong.  And they do it a lot.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Blair Waldorf

So for old times sake I am just going to type and complain.

Is it still old times sake if I just did it like 2 weeks ago (probably- not actually sure).  I hate google and gmail so much though, like to the point where I am considering switching over to tumblr full time because I can't even handle all of the signing out and signing in it takes.  That and as soon as I get into college I am deleting all of my gmails because I HATE THEM.  For all of the maneuvering of accounts it takes just to log into blogger I'm so mad by the time I'm logged in that I don't even remember what I was going to talk about.

I'm making a lot of different playlists right now soooo I will probably post them on here so that you may enjoy what I am listening to as welllllll.  I've pretty much just been listening to unseasonally happy music so that I don't claw anyone's eyes out of their skull.  I mean it's strange but it works so there ya go.

I remember Iz's summer-nostalgic post last year and I can barely even fathom what nostalgia of summer must feel like.  I mean I'm so deeply entrenched in the trials and tribulations of high school and job-holding and gymnastics and college searching and stuff that I can't imagine being care-free so I don't really try to be.  Last week I had a hysterical, screaming and crying "I wish I was lying in a field surrounded by daisies and kittens and no fucking people" type of a moment but I'm past it and now I'm just excited for winter break.

Not that I actually expect anyone to let me really enjoy winter break but ya know, it's nice to dream.  I've recently realized that the only way I get free time is if I lie.  I have to trick various people into thinking I am doing something else in order to not have to do their thing which is horrible but also works out very well sooooo.  That or I have to lie to myself and just be like nahhhh you don't have homework.. no way.

And that's how I end up watching Gossip Girl and blogging at 11:12pm on a Sunday night.

My english teacher hasn't posted our grades up yet since the quarter began, which was a solid month ago, so I have kind of taken to lying to myself and pretending like Lang isn't really a class anymore.  For example I had an essay due on Friday.  Wasn't really sure how to start it so I just didn't write it.

Although to be honest, my assignment was to write a column in the same style as Robert Fisk and basically I already write tersely and lack transitions so I basically have just written this column... too bad I am too lazy to print it and turn it in.

SPEAKING OF BEING TOO LAZY TO PRINT IT AND TURN IT IN I have a C in French right now basically for that reason.  Much love to Mme. Miller and everything but it's just kind of cruel to assign a weekend homework assignment as an essay worth 40 points without at least telling us it would be worth 40 points.  So I didn't do it for the day it was due and then I just sort of blew it off a few days until after Thanksgiving break and I wrote it and probably still could have gotten half credit but I just didn't ever print it. It was actually pretty good though.

I'm glad that all of this "hayley skips class and the entire world flips their shit on her" thing is over because- no offense to adults and basically everyone who has been concerned about me this past week- my life is none of the business of all of the adults in my life, and whether they think that's true or not, I don't owe the entire planet an explanation as to why I skipped class.

But really- you're asking me why I skipped class? Once?  You mean literally you want to know why I skipped class one time?  YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I DECIDED TO TAKE FREEDOM OVER BOREDOM FOR 40 MINUTES OF MY LIFE?  Are you kidding me?

Sorry for all of those rhetorical questions but honestly I feel like asking me that emphatic But why, Hayley? is nothing more than condescending and ridiculous.  Sometimes I feel like adults get so wrapped up in the formality of the manufacturing of teenagers into adults that they forget that it's not important anyways.

(feel free to skip this part and just go down to the capital letters)
And I'm really sorry to deviate into philosophical shit right now but the truth is that none of this will ever be important.  not me, not you.  And I know that it's horrible to think about and I'm sorry for bringing that up while you're probably just intending to read the normal satirical and lovely writings of Hayley S. Hartman but you could also just be optimistic and realize that that idea alone takes a lot of pressure off of your shoulders anyways.

And I should also probably remind you that just because it isn't important doesn't mean it shouldn't be important to you.

I've been battling a lot lately with the realization that you only live once, which is an obvious and true fact that I have known for a long time but one that I have also not realized until recently.  So now you know my current philosophical reasoning and I am have a less than quarter life crisis.


that I think that adults lately have been rather intrusive and nosy about my life and I would rather them not be so.

And actually not just adults, but more than that- schoolmates of mine.  I don't care who you are or how good of friends you think we are, there is a rule surrounding questions regarding state of being, and it is such:  These are questions for which the answer was written millions of years ago and it is transcribed into caves in France and it is "Arbitrary answer expressing a state of content."

So if you see someone, and they are clearly not okay, and you know that they can not actually answer that question with "I'm lovely, what about you?" honestly, the correct question to ask is "What happened?" if you're close with that person, and you're probably not, in which case the correct question is not a question at all. At that point you should probably just turn around and walk away because I guarantee that whatever is making that person upset is both

1.  Not about to go away because you were there for them (sorry- it's just true. you guys aren't that close, remember?) and
2.  Not about to be solved by the simple "How are you?" because if you're not close enough to skip the delicacies and the formalities, you sure as hell aren't close enough to get that person to admit their problems to you.


Now, granted, like 69% of the people who like me enough to read my blog are definitely people who I would tell my problems to.  But of the general population, I'm sorry occupy movement, but you favorites of mine are the 1%

I love making Occupy jokes.

Also the other thing is that I always cry about my problems when I say them out loud (and now you know why I just discuss them in a typed form) so I pretty much just prefer to avoid talking about them at all.  WHICH ISN'T ABNORMAL AT ALL I JUST KIND OF WISH PEOPLE WOULD HAVE LEFT ME ALONE ALL WEEK

Good.  So.  Now you're pretty much caught up in a truthful and possibly but probably not eloquent way.  I've been wanting to talk about all of this but I was having a hard time getting the words out without being angry but now that it's all over I think it all came out better than I expected it to.

This has nothing to do with this post but I have been watching Gossip Girl lately and sometimes it skews my own perception of my life.  I just love to pretend I'm Blair Waldorf- what can I say.

A Christmas List for Winners

This is for when you don't know what you want for Christmas.  Christmas is an annual opportunity in which you can ask for gifts- just because you don't know what you want does not mean you should waste that opportunity.  This is the list of things you did not know you wanted until right now:

The Jammy Pack
Rollerblade around in musical style with this awesome hands free, speaker-equipped fanny pack.  Fill it with candy!
I know, I know.  The Clocky (red) was in Seventeen this month.  But I swear- I have been wanting this tricky alarm clock for over a year now, in fact, it may have even been featured in a post before this.  Basically, the clocky is everything I have ever needed in an alarm clock.  It has wheels, so when it goes off, it rolls away and you have to get up and find it to turn it off!  It's extreme, but let's be honest, I am late to school/very close to late to school almost every day.
Headphone Splitter
Let's be real, if you have ever been forced to do the one-for-you-one-for-me method of headphone sharing, you have invented this in your mind.  You need this.
Like/Dislike Auto-Ink Stamps
How funny.  The dislike stamp isn't pictured, but they come as a pair!

The Dunk Mug
I know I just posted about the excellency of this mug- so technically, you did already know that you wanted this, but nevertheless.  This is a fantastic reminder.
Honey Badger Mug
 While we're still on the topic of mugs- it's the honey badger mug.  This chick on etsy made a whole series of them- and they're perfect.  I have a developed a small obsession with mugs and I really want to start a collection of them.

Oh god- these boots.  These boots.  I've pretty much been salivating over them since I first read this article about them on  They are so tall and stylish I can hardly stand it.  And the best part, as was pointed out by college fashion, is that it's a five inch heel but has a two inch platform.  Translation? It only feels like a three inch heel- and is therefore a great ratio of comfort to height gained.
This is honestly just the coolest piece of clothing I have ever seen and I think everyone should have one.  It might only come in kids sizes, AKA I would have to be anorexic for 3 months in order to fit into it but... it would be so worth it.


Sunday, November 27, 2011


There needs to be a Harry Potter shot glass that says "Obliviate" on it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Oh god..

this. this. this is the PERFECT gift for my dad for Christmas.  Too bad it rings up to nearly $40 with the shipping from effing England and its the only mug like this in the world because all of the ones on Etsy are gone.  Oh god though.... it's so perfect.  But see the problem is that if I did this then I would have about $10 to spend on everyone else and I would just knit things for them because I like doing that anyways, but it just came to my attention that when my mom cleaned out my room over the summer and she "put my knitting stuff in the basement" she actually probably donated and shit and now all I have is nothing.

THIS IS WHY, MAGGS, YOU DON'T JUST THROW AWAY THINGS THAT I USE AT LEAST ANNUALLY. It's true that I basically only knit in the Winter, but I pretty consistently do knit every Winter.  I am so annoyed.

It wouldn't work as just a sound file so now there's pictures of baby tigers to make it a video.  Raise your hand if you like that I post pictures of cute animals as a substitute for my obnoxiousness?  Everyone's hands raised?  Good.

This lovely solo happened at my last voice lesson.  I have this thing where if I have a good voice lesson, I feel so much better about my life for a few days and that happened this week so that was nice! I think it's because of how I really just like singing and when I know I'm doing an alright job of it, not much else seems important. Which is honestly probably not the best approach to life considering that I don't really take music seriously as like, a career or anything but still, it's something that is not academic that not that many people are good at but I am and I like that.  and Kevin is the best voice teacher ever!  BOO YA KEVIN HOW YA LIKE THAT SHOUT OUT OH YEAH.

But yes that is the solo I kind of want to sing for Chorale.  If we do the song.  It's a pretty weird song though, if you're not already familiar with it because you're not Izabela (or any other person in Chorale who may or may not read my blog?), it's called I carry your heart and it is by Z. Randall Stroope and it is fucking weird.  I listened to it on youtube and realized that I have actually never really understood what this was supposed to sound like... and it sounds weird.  SO WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES.

Okay well this was a random and poorly written post that I did not really mean to write... whoops.  But you got to see some baby tigers!  So there's that <33333333

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy first anniversarrryyy!!

Guess what!

That's right folks, we have made it through an entire year of reading horrendous posts over here at THIS IS MY BLOG.  And it certainly has been a glorious journey, but I have lots of things for this anniversary post, and they are composed of some of my favorite things to write/write about:
-things I hate
-lists of colleges
-funny story
-things I say I will do but I will never ever do
-more things I hate
-profound stories that end with me just getting confused at what my point was supposed to be

Things I hate:
-most everything.

Lists of Colleges:
and more specifically, the colleges to which I am actually applying,
1. University of Michigan
2. Ohio State University
3. University of Cincinnati
4.  ...
yeah so I still don't have that final of a list... these are the only three I'm sure about.
Hope I get into U of Michigan ?

Funny story:
So last week (and this was supposed to be posted last week BUT I SAVED IT FOR THIS OCCASION PURPOSEFULLY HOW TRICKY AM I) the best thing to possibly ever happen, happened.  I mean- when ever would the power just go out in a wealthy and capable city such as Westlake in the most esteemed Westlake High School, but Lord, it happened.  So when the lights originally took their leave, I was in Pre-Calculus, a room with windows.  But then, I was in Computer Applications after, and the lights still weren't on.  Computer Apps is a class the relies entirely on electricity, and seeing as there weren't any windows, this was the absolute best opportunity for me to take a nap.

I mean, for real, I'm a senior, that class was comprised of 50% freshmen, 40% sophomores, 9% juniors and you guessed it, 1% seniors.  And there are only 25 or so people in the class, which would mean that my solo- 1% would account for about 1/4 of a person.  Based on my attendance record, it's accurate.  Anyways, what would you expect me to do in the middle of a non-lit, comfy classroom?

So I'm just sitting there, head down on my desk taking my surprise siesta when all of a sudden, it appears that there is lightning in this classroom.  My original though ran somewhere along the lines of why the FUCK is there lightning in this classroom? Until I realized that this was not lightning at all, it was of a much lower, much much lower, power.  A freshman.

Apparently the though process went something like this:  dark room, I'm an obnoxious freshman, perfect time to use the strobe app on my phone.

So I allowed it to go on for a few seconds, but even after hearing protests from classmates the inconsiderate loon continued to have it on.

(oh, it's a thing)


It stopped.

Things I say I will do but I will never do:
the whole uniform thing.  Now I just have three polos I'll never wear.  I honestly did it for one day, but the day following that day was meant to be pink and I just... I almost threw up.  Not really, but I really do have a strange aversion to pink clothing and I realized that picking out that clothes is... not stressful at all compared to pink clothing.
- BEDAugust.  Lolz right? I seriously did it for a solid day before I was just like meh... I'm out
- NaNoWriMo.  I did it a couple days and actually the thoughts I was incorporating into the novel are all things I need to say and I do plan on finishing the novel by February hopefully.
- apply to Michigan State
- conclude anything very well at all

More things I hate:
- pretty much still most everything
- my caps lock bar which isn't working very well ahhhhh

Profound stories that end with me just getting confused at what my point was supposed to be:
Oh god I had a good one in mind and I know it was going to end up being pointless but I totez forget, which should basically be another whole category because if I remembered every post I wanted to write, we would have three years worth of posts by now.

Well this year has been grrreat!  I love writing this blog and even if it's crappy sometimes, I really do love at least knowing that some people care enough to read what I have to say.  There's something specific and magical about reading something instead of hearing it, because it takes longer.  It gives you time to think about it and analyze it yourself, at your own pace, and knowing that you, yes you specific reader, care enough to take the time to read it.  Because I could just as easily phone you up and tell you all my dumb stories then.

So thank you readers.  I would probably write this even if you weren't reading, but it's nice to know that you're there.  I love you all very much!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

All the things. Upload 2.

I would like to start by saying that the following sentence is one that I have written and have repeated to myself over and over for the past few weeks: College is a fucking fantasy.

I'm not sure why I have found solace in such a short, alliterative nonetheless, sentence but I have.  I just like to remember that the word College, to me, has absolutely no true meaning in comparison to what it will be.  I'm not saying I plan to be disappointed, I am just saying that I certainly plan to be surprised.  Though how does one plan to be surprised anyways?

I wanted to share with you my senior survey because whenever I write something that I find amusing, I like to think that other people would find it amusing as well maybe.  But maybe you won't, I don't really care.  I am going to skip the questions I answered average-ly and the ones I didn't answer at all:

1. What is your advice to freshman?
Don't let your schooling interfere with you education.  Work hard to become an intelligent, well educated human being and your reward for doing so will find its way to you eventually.

4.  If I could do high school over, I would....
I would not.

7.  What is the craziest thing a teacher has said to you?
"Sopranos, just pick any note.  It's a dissonant chord, no one will be able to tell the difference." -Richardson.  (By any note, he literally meant any note that has ever happened)

8.  Where is the best place to spend senior privileges?
At home, in my bed, power napping.

9. What is the worst fashion trend?
Pants.  Ever.

12.  Senior Quote:

Ah.  This is the problem.  I think because of my particular affinity for words I am a little taken aback by the fact that the quote which will be published in this yearbook for the rest of time as far as it concerns me, was asked on a normal piece of paper that barely found its way to me.  But yes, this is my problem.  I have to turn in my senior quote tomorrow, and I am having a tough time thinking about what I want to say forever.  I surely am making a bigger deal of this quote deal than I should be, but once again it is true that not only college, but the future as well is a fucking fantasy and I am not really sure what will happen.  I like words too much to get the quote wrong.

There are a lot of quotes that I am considering, and here they are (unformatted because apparently blogger wants me to hang myself), starting with the whimsical and moving into the less whimsical (this was the original plan but then the internet was sadistic).  It's okay if you are only here to read my words, and don't feel like reading all of the quotes I like.  Though there may or may not be something special for you if you read all the way to the bottom though... (no cheating, asshole.)

- Identity theft is not a joke.
- Estoy viendo amas de casa desperadas.
-Chi vuol la zingarella?
-Don't forget to be awesome

….[I became a writer] Because I liked telling stories. And I found it fulfilling and I felt less crazy and less unhappy when I was telling stories.

- Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia.

- And then something invisible inside her snapped, and that which had come together commenced to fall apart.

- When you stopped wishing things wouldn’t fall apart, you’d stop suffering when they did.

- I don’t have to wait until I die to start seeking a great perhaps.

- What a long strange trip it’s been.  Yeah, that’s frickin’ profound.
- I love bacon I love you I love bacon I love you
- I don’t know I like to bathe with friends
- I mean no harm to your planet, I will attack if you attempt to pop me
- I am man, I am zitless.  Hear me roar.
- You’re my best friend.  Let’s hold hands.
- I know, let’s call him captain poo-face
- Awesome Jackie got hit in the head!
- Steve Holt!
- Bobby Sutton’s a god.
- What a long strange trip it’s been in Forman’s basement.
- I love Jackie Burkhart.
- Even if it’s a dumb story, telling it changes people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. An infinitesimal change. And that infinitesimal change ripples outward —ever smaller but everlasting. I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter —maybe less that a lot, but always more than none.
- But there is all this time between when the cracks start to open and when we finally fall apart. And it’s only in that time that we can see one another, because we see out of ourselves through the cracks and into others through theirs.

Congratulations for finishing! Here is your prize:!

Alright that is honestly all of the awesome your brain can handle.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


"Given the option, I would only wear an outfit consisting of no pants and a leather jacket."

This is a quote from the frenemy.  I have never agreed more with anything in my entire life.

Monday, October 31, 2011

I love candy

Sooo I guess I'm gonna talk about November now because I doubt I'll be blogging much if everything goes as planned.  Even if it doesn't go as planned, I still won't be.

I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year! ( , stands for national novel writing month)  The plan is to write a 50,000 word, albeit crappy, novel in the month of November.  Soooo that's happening.  I don't think it will be a very good novel but it will hopefully be a novel so that's good.

Also gymnastics season starts on November 8th.  Which is awesome and I'm super excited, but that with NaNoWriMo and I will have no time to do anything.  Which is not always bad.

Happy halloweeeeen!  This is the first year that I actually feel too old to trick or treat.  It's probably got a lot to do with the fact that it is currently a Monday and therefore no one's really having any parties so I'm kind of just sitting here.  I don't even really have a costume this year- sad, right?  I don't really know how to do halloween without the trick or treating.  I don't want to dress up like a slut and get drunk; All I want is some candy.

If there has *ever* been a time where someone should put me in the favorite quotes section of their facebook, that sentence above is the one.

I plan to go all out next year, if you can call not trick or treating still going all out.  Well at least doing something.  I dunno.  I've never disliked the loss of my childhood as much as I do right now.  That sentence made me sound super depressed but I'm not.  I am just frustrated that people will not give me free candy anymore and call my Dumbledore costume cute. If I tried to get candy dressed in a Dumbledore costume now, I would be a thieving cross-dresser.

So I guess that is kind of depressing.

Whatever, now you know.  I'm NaNoing and I'm gymnasticking and


I just remembered blog! OUR ANNIVERSARY IS THIS MONTH <3333

Well disregard this entire post minus the halloween section, I will probably be doing something fun for our anniversary.  Love you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

School Uniform?

So I have this sort of terrible/awesome idea (it has to do with Hollister Co., which is what makes my idea terrible).  Since at least freshman year, and maybe even before that, I have wanted a school uniform.  I don't want some crappy plaid skirt and an ugly polo- I don't want my daily outfit to be hideous, I just want it to be the same.  And it's not at all about having the same outfit as everybody else, I could honestly give a shit about what my classmates wear, I just don't like picking out clothes.  I know, I know, AP Lang brain, it is clear that public school has destroyed my sense of creativity to the point where I don't even want to pick out an outfit every day, but it's true.  I do not.  I am sick of picking out clothes every morning.

Having a daily, Hayley-specific uniform would make my mornings just a little less stressful and rushed.  Especially with gymnastics season approaching.  From here, it is looking like we may have workouts/practices five or six times a week, and if I did not have to worry about picking out clothes for school, my life would be simpler.  And it's not like I would never use the clothes I already have in my closet- I would wear them to work, out to dinner, on weekends and in college.

So I am considering an experiment: to create and wear a personal uniform for at least a month.  I will buy five polo shirts, one for each day of the school week.  Currently I am planning on buying them from Hollister- that's the Hollister part.  I am thinking black pants as bottoms, either my black jeans or leggings or a skirt with black tights or sweatpants.  Which means that I am leaving part of my outfit to my own discretion on that particular day, as well as whatever accessories, sweaters etc I will be wearing.

So when you think about it, I will be rocking a partial uniform.  Kind of like the partial block we have at school, just to test the waters.

If I were to do this, which I still have not decided, I will definitely do it for all of November and if I like it, I will most likely continue it through February until gymnastics is over and I have my life back.

The best part is, I can violate my personal uniform whenever I like because it's my own.  Hooray.

Does anyone have any different suggestions for the shirt?  That's my only qualm about the whole thing- I will look like SUCH a dork with the lanyard and the polo and everything...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

guess what!
I just sent in my first college app to University of Michigan!

Ohhhh I amuse myself well.

I have a new e-mail, because e-mail addresses make me laugh.

I'm putting it on all of my college apps.  I'm thinking about making this a "thing."  Making e-mail addresses for very specific things like coupons and college.  I would make a but I'm not gonna because this blog is already connected to and that's how I like it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the worries caused by insufficient whole grains.

I just saw a cereal commercial that advertised a cereal that will "help you avoid the distraction of mid-morning hunger"

...seriously?  If I ever worry about the distraction of mid-morning hunger, smack me.  That's insane.  Can you imagine?  "Oh my, I really just don't want to be distracted by the mid-morning hunger I get from the insufficient amount of whole grains in my cereal..."

Ew.  I hate everything about that.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thoughts on home and on stopping.

(this was started on Thursday from my car and finished on Friday from my room.  Or rather, my jail.)

There’s a sketch on the Amanda Show that’s a Survivor spoof in which five or so people sit in a white convertible in a parking lot and the last person there wins the car and a brief case full of money.  If you can remember this show and if you can picture it; I am a contestant in that Survivor spoof.

See, about 30 minutes ago, I ran out of gas in the Dover Elementary School so I had to walk the little girl I was with to the library and then I had to walk back to Dover and I’m now sitting in my car listening to Numb/Encore by Jay Z & Linkin Park, because that’s the only song I have.

And I look like a character on the Amanda Show.

The good thing is that today is a beautiful day.  It’s probably the most beautiful October day I have ever lived in Cleveland.  As much as it sucks to have this happen to me- running out of gas I mean- I appreciate the momentary pause this has put on my life.

Sometimes I can’t help but feel like I’m on a carousel; like the world is spinning and spinning and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.  My life on the weekends, except for work, is generally pretty leisurely but my life during the week is so busy and hectic every day.  That’s only four days out of my seven-day week, but it’s still so much and I’m exhausted all the time.  Although I’ve been admiring it from the windows of the classrooms I daydream in, I haven’t actually gotten the chance to get outside much during the daylight and to just enjoy it.  It’s pretty nice.

I realized today that this was the first day I have walked down Dover Center, which is in my opinion one of the most beautiful streets in Westlake, in years.  Since Music à La Mode in Eighth grade.  A little less than four years, and that’s at least three years too many.  I only have a year left before, in all honesty, I move out of Westlake.  Alone.  To what I hope will be a beautiful place that I can one day call home, or maybe that I’ll just live in for four years before I go find my home.

I know my second grade self would hate me for saying this, but little Hayley, Westlake has been home for 10 years whether I was ready to admit it or not.  I’m not sure if I’ve always appreciated it as much as I should have, but I appreciate it now.  I don’t want this to be a crappy cliché post about home, but that’s kind of what it’s been. 

Taking the mandatory stop of life that was running out of gas was one of the nicest things I have gotten to do in a while.  

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I hate to keep writing Spoilers about The Hunger Games so sorry everyone who hasn't read them, but just x out of this window until next week when I've figured out what to think about them.

Okay so I found this and AGREED

The Hunger Games is SO much better than Twilight but I totally understand what the writer of that post was saying and agree (although I'm more prone to thinking of Gale as Edward and Peeta as Jacob- but whatevs).  Katniss did always pass out during a battle scene and wake up somewhere like a hospital- and that's just clearly lazy writing.  It might take time but I would rather know how the battle goes- it's the effing climax of the book.

I was gonna go through and find more articles that kind of get stuff but then I lost interest because I couldn't find the in-depth type of english-classy analysis I was looking for.  It's cool though.

seee ya later?

End of Mockingjay- spoilers

I would say all of this to a friend of mine (not you izabela, but we can talk about it now) with whom I was discussing the hunger games about 200 pages ago, but I can't say the word fuck to her :


I'm on page 370 of Mockingjay and I would just like to say WHAT THE FUCK SUZANNE COLLINS HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND.  I am so confused and pissed and this must be awesomely persuasive writing because I LITERALLY feel like throwing up-  what the HELL.  When I say things out loud in stead of keeping them locked inside my head sometimes they make more sense but no.  And I just read the paragraph again and still, no.  Instead of killing all of the capitol citizens-ignorant people, innocent, stupid people- they're going to have ANOTHER HUNGER GAMES WHAT?  I'm SORRY?  Because that's not what got this revolution ball ROLLING IN THE FIRST PLACE HOW WAS THIS EVER EVEN AN IDEA WHAT THE FUCK

I'm sorry?  What the hell is going on?  The Hunger Games was a book I understood.  Catching Fire was that awkward sequel book but the writing wasn't yet convoluted and fucking difficult to understand.  But Mockingjay?  I mean the first 300 pages were chill and I got it (it was boring but whatever) but now I don't even understand what half of it is supposed to mean and then

why would Katniss agree to another hunger games for PRIM?  PRIM NEVER WOULD HAVE AGREED TO THAT THAT'S SO VENGEFUL AND DISGUSTING I HATE IT.

Peets is the only clearly thinking person who is still alive in this whole novel and I love him for it


no seriously i just read that page again and i might go vomit
why did she just say thats okay... obviously nothing was ever going to change but WHY WOULD THEY HAVE MORE HUNGER GAMES

oh my GOD

okay I'm going to try to read the last 18 pages now.

Nor quite there yet but Plutarch's parting words to Katniss are "don't be a stranger"  Those were Ray's parting words to Laura and I.  It's funny how similar the two actually are- Plutarch and Ray.  Disregard for the human species, belief it's hopeless and that he is above it for knowing that.  Maybe I'm wrong that that is Ray's outlook but I think it kind of is.

Okay now I've read the last 18 pages and the epilogue.  I'd say the epilogue was underwhelming and a little cliche- if a book does have an epilogue, it's ALWAYS about how the main character had children and the world is full of light and hope.  I'm not really feeling that right now especially when it's rainy and cold outside- but that's just me.

At first I misread the line that said Katniss shot Coin and I just thought it said she had shot Snow.  I skip words when I read and most of the time I don't miss any meaning.  I'm just kind of confused about the whole thing.  Although I completely understand why Katniss shot coin, was that why Katniss agreed to another Hunger Games for the capitol children? Because she knew she would shoot Coin?  Or did she not decide to shoot Coin until she looked in Snow's eyes?

Because I still don't understand how- in any world- Katniss would agree to another hunger games.  That just makes no sense to me.  I wish I could take a class about this series of books.  I want to know the in's and out's of every bit of it.  I want to know about every single metaphor and symbol and what every character meant and the significance of every name, like Snow and Coin, and I want to know why Katniss agreed to another hunger games.  I know that one of the English classes is reading the first book but I need a more in depth learning into all three books.  It's kind of strange that reading for pleasure has made me think this much as well as impressive.

I understand why Collins made the books get so unclear and convoluted as the revolution built up- because Katniss' worlds of the Capitol and the Revolution were on opposite sides but they were the same and even being mixed up with each other.  At least that's what I got from it.  I guess in some ways I just wrote a small analyses of Mockingjay so congrats Mrs. Thomas, I have officially entered into the realm of thinking like an AP Lang student.  I still feel like vomiting.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I don't know if this type will show up normal... anyways.  Sometimes it seems like the only time I can blog is when I'm procrastinating, but alas, this is my life. 

Today I was on facebook, (as begins far too many of my stories) and I saw this as a comment to a status


And at first I just thought that the girl who commented that just did one of these 


where you just randomly pound at keys on the keyboard to show frustration or just that you received the message and are feeling something, anything, about it. 

But then I thought about it, and as much as I hate myself for knowing this, that was an acronym.  It means "shaking my god damn mother fucking head" and if you don't believe me, I encourage you to go ask Paige D'Avino, the original writer of that comment, if that's what it means and I assure you that she will confirm what I have just said.  

For some stupid reason, that overly long acronym got me thinking about everything and we all know what kind of profound conclusionless blogs I produce when I start thinking about everything.  I have some things:

1.  What sort of INSANE world do we live in in which we can have 7 letter acronyms used in what is as far as I'm concerned, every day communication.  At what point is our efficiency too efficient?  Would it have taken longer for me to read out the words or for me to figure out the letters?  I think maybe we need to extend the vocabulary of today's facebook users so that guessing acronyms is no longer easy.  It's just too much sometimes I think.

2.  I'm starting a new number but this thought is in no way unconnected to 1.  Although this kind of initialism is convenient, it really cuts down out ability to communicate with one another.  Coming up with an original way to say something feels far more arbitrary when there are 10 simpler ways to say it and you only have to type 3 (or 7) letters.
3.  Reading books is amazing and people should do it more often because if there stops being paperback books and libraries and bookstores, the entire population will burn out their eyes staring at their computer screens instead.  The thought of paper going out of style is so foreign and unpleasant thought that I really can't even wrap my head around it, and honestly, I'm not even that avid of a reader.  And how ironic is it that I post this in an online format when the beauty of pen and paper are so near and dear to me.

I guess I just sort of hate computers, but I love them just as much.  I don't want things to change too much I guess and sometimes the world feels like it's spinning faster than it did the day before.  It scares me.

In completely unrelated news 

I hate showers at least as much now as I used to, but I think probably a little more.  It always feels like man didn't I JUST do this like 24 hours ago?  I wish showers were only necessary on a weekly basis.  Same goes for eating except I wish I could just eat a really big meal in the middle of my day and not have to worry about it for the rest of the day.  My life has been so busy lately that making time to eat three times is nearly impossible.  It sucks.

Also my hair is too long so whenever I eat and my hair is down, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get food in it, thus making it sticky and then I have to go take a shower to make it unsticky.  Endless.  Cycle.  Reminds me of a time when Laura told me "I just don't wear pants when I eat anymore"  because she would always get food all over herself.  I can relate now (actually I've been able to relate to that my whole life, but a lot now too) 

I wonder if simplifying your life works the same as cutting down on your electric bill: by doing the little things like unplugging things you don't use and always turning off lights and stuff like that. 
things I could do to simplify my life:

1. shave my head
2. I think I'm gonna stop working every night at 9. I will go to work, and gymnastics and school and do my homework between the hours of 7am and 9pm and after that I'm gonna be off the clock.  This is something I'm seriously considering, and it doesn't seem like such a big deal now, but honestly I never do homework until at least 9 or 10 o'clock.  And that's far too late.  Setting a specific working time vs. not working time seems kind of like too much, but 13 hours of mostly work per day really should be enough to get my life done and if it's not, then my life is too hard.  There are almost no jobs in the world that demand 13 hours of work daily.  Being a teenager is hard sometimes.
3.  read books more often.
If you have any suggestions then please comment.  This was a long post but it felt good!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This post kind of sucks but I haven't written in awhile so there ya go

I don't really know how to get into it right now.

The more I think about it, the more restless I get about my life right now. It seems to me that senior year only exists to "get it done" because SOMETHING has to end the labyrinth that is gradeschool. Living just to get it out of the way, get it over with, seems like an awful waste of time to me, but I do realize that it IS up to me to change my life if I feel that this is how it's going.

Obviously I would hate myself eternally if I dropped out of school and obviously I'm in no way actually considering it, but it does cross my mind. Other insane ideas I've had have been:
1. Do ROTC, get free tuition
2. Take a year off and go help the Africans with their African problems, or the South Americans with their South American problems or whatever
3. Take my whole life off and go help the Africans with their African problems, or the South Americans with their South American problems or whatever
4. Go to U of Michigan and have my entire life work out exactly the way I want it to
5. Living in a Bungalo on a black sand beach somewhere. Anywhere really.
6. Hawaii.

I wish I could describe to you the frustration I'm having with everything lately but I can't seem to grasp it and put it into words right now but I tried. I wrote a bitchin essay in Spanish today, may I say. I'm so damn smart.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This is a draft of my application essay to Michigan State.  Please help me with it!
PROMPT: If admitted to Michigan State, you will join a diverse community of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Please respond to the following hypothetical situation: In your first-semester English course you are assigned a group writing project to be completed within a week. In addition to yourself, your group is comprised of five other students, some of whom are from different countries and/or have different racial/ethnic backgrounds than you. Please explain how your past life experiences will help you effectively collaborate with your group members in order to achieve success on this project.

From ages 2 to 8, I lived in a suburb of Nashville called Franklin, Tennessee.  Although I was too young to realize it at the time, just by living in Franklin I had been set up to harbor some undesirable opinions about other races, and I didn’t even realize this until recently.  This past July I drove down to Tennessee with my family to visit old neighbors and friends and for the first time in my life, I realized how happy I was that I moved to northern Ohio when I was 8.  I began to notice racism towards African-Americans, Hispanics, and Arabs alike indented deeply into the brains of the people who had made my childhood amazing, and suffice it to say I was shocked.  I could not believe that those people could still have such barbaric views on race- and that they shared it so openly.

Of all the kids in the old neighborhood, my brother, my sister and I were among the only ones to have parents who worked closely with international cultures.  Both of my parents taught me cultural acceptance since I was small because they both work in jobs where they need to deal with other ethnicities.  My mother works as a Spanish teacher at a local high school where she teaches the Spanish language but she learns about the backgrounds of many of her students.   My father works as an international salesman has travelled the world with his work.  Both of my parents are bilingual with English and Spanish. 

You could say I took my genetic gift for languages and ran with it.  In the summer of 2010 I did program at Kent State University where I studied the Arabic language and culture day and night for a month straight.  When I got home from Kent I started my job as a lifeguard, where I immediately picked up on the most prominent racism we have here in Westlake: towards Arabs.  It was clear that my coworkers had no understanding of the Arabic culture and held hostility against Arabs because of it.  I tried to explain why the women wore their hijabs in the pool and why the children didn’t always follow the rules, but the lifeguards around me were persistent in their bigotry, and it was one of the reasons I quit my lifeguard job.

Through these life experiences I have found that I have a talent for celebrating foreign cultures.  I am very good with empathy; I know how to use it to find out how to work well with other people.  

okay so if you have read this it is REQUIRED that you comment.  Please tell me anything you like or don't like, anything you think I should add and ESPECIALLY anything you think I could cut from the essay because it is 429 words and it needs to be 400 or less.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

you can get with this or you can get with that.

You would think that writing a college essay would be really easy for me righttt?  I mean I sit here and confess my soul a few times a month but I am having such a hard time getting my life together with this college essay.  There are a few difficulties and they are:
1. In case you haven't noticed on this blog, I haven't really had any deep observations about life or human interaction lately so finding that inspiration to write the kickass essay that I am both capable of and that should be easy for me to write has been... difficult to say the least.
2.  I have no idea which colleges I'm even going to apply to, and I would prefer it if this essay was the one I actually submit seeing as that it will be edited by an English teacher and everything.

It's not like I'm trying to find a reason to not write this essay.  I'm trying, I really am.  Why can't I just send in a link to this blog and be like hey, if you want to know every deep thought I've had in the past year go ahead and read!  If you think I'm not write for your school, at least you'll know you're right because you actually know who I am!

I think it sucks that I've spent so much time researching colleges and that I can't find one that works for me.  I think it SUCKS.

In the spirit of liking music, this is a really good song that I like that was written by the boy in the video.  This video only has 13,000 views which, proportionate to the sweetness of the song, is very low.

(this took me no more than 15 minutes to write and it's about 300 words MEANING that I should be able to get a 750 word essay in about... 37.5 minutes.  It took me an hour to write the 250 word terrible awful currently titled document1.  fml.)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I think a life resolution is seriously in order.  I have a tendency to wait until everything in my life is fine, or rather, as fine as it'll get for the time being and then I go and do something HORRIBLE that makes it unfine.  Whatever it is that I do to ruin my life for the moment always is something I could easily have not done.  It's always a clear-cut decision, and I make the wrong one just to prove I can.  This doesn't mean all, or even most, of the decisions I make are wrong.  After some deliberation I almost always agree with most decisions I make but every once in awhile there's just one serious fuckup.  So anyways.

The resolution I want to make is to stop fucking doing that.  If I would lay low and just let things roll off my back a little more, my life would be so much more chill.  My life wouldn't necessarily be any more or less happy because of this, but I don't really believe this is something that can be measured in happiness.


The other day, I invented hotels.  I was on a long car ride to somewhere and I was thinking, man, if only there were establishments built only for sleeping.  Like you could just go there, sleep, and then wake up and pay and leave.  Oh!  And also there would be showers so that you could get clean.  And toilets because that's kind of necessary... man I bet they could make a bunch of money if they had food too.  And BOOM.  Hotels invented.

Another thing I was thinking about was what if the human anatomy included a camera in your mouth.   Instead of having to lug one around, you could just open your mouth, make a camera sound, and upload automatically to facebook.  That's some pretty inspector gadget shit but it would be AWESOME.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

funday sunday

I think on Sundays this BEDA, I might take old things I've written and put them on here.  Enjoy.

That sailor last night was awfully crazy I wish we kept him
I pillaged my ass off and even got some deep sleep in
Drink my rum and burn my beard
Because that's what makes me feared
Pistol out at three, I'm loaded by 10
Go get some grub, then do it again, man I love Somalia

I wanna live on my ship for the rest of my life
Find some gold and take what i like
No need for calendars or schedules
Because i live on the sea and times on strike
So fill up my chest
Lets get rich fast (lets get rich FAST!)
I'm next to be captain,
Who want what? (What?!)
I am champion, at shoot-outs,
8 dead men, another notch in my holster
Don't even run, not in my range
Hit the deck or I'll make you hit her
Drunk or not,
Time isn't wasted when you're getting wasted
I saw captain this morning all i could say was, arrgh

That sailor last night was awfully crazy I wish we kept him
I pillaged my ass off and even got some shooting practice in
Drink my rum and burn my beard
Because that's what makes me feared
Pistol out at three, I'm loaded by 10
Go get some grub, then do it again
Man I love Somalia (arghhhh)
And I love drinking
And I love women
Man I love Somalia

I cant tell you what I learned from pre-Somalian times,
But (nah) I could tell you a story or two, arrgh
Yeah of course I learned some rules
Like when Polly wants a cracker that's what Polly gets
And if you fall in the sea don't come back till you're not wet
And don't walk the plank if to an island you know you'll never get
When it comes to swords, on you keep two (trust me)
And tomorrow night, keep the dynamite close
Hold the weapons steady and of alcohol take an extra dose
Even if we did get a little bit too drunk
Like i always say:
Time isn't wasted when you're getting wasted
Working today and all I can say is

That sailor last night was awfully crazy I wish we kept him
I pillaged my ass off and even got some deep sleep in
Drink my rum and burn my beard
Because that's what makes me feared
Pistol out at three, I'm loaded by 10
Go get some grub, then do it again,
Man I love Somalia
And I love drinking
And I love women
I love Somalia

Now, if everybody would please put their pistol
As high as they can, as high as they can
And repeat after me:

Plank plank plank plank plank plank plank
Jump ship jump ship jump ship jump ship
Polly want a cracker! Polly want a cracker! Polly want a cracker! Polly want a cracker!
chug rum chug rum chug rum chug rum

That sailor last night
(Man I love Somalia, love it, I love it!)
That sailor last night

Alright everybody, I gotta head back to shore for a little bit

That sailor last night was awfully crazy I wish we kept him (we'll get him next time)
I pillaged my ass off and even got some deep sleep in
Drink my rum and burn my beard (you all smell smoke)
Because that's what makes me feared (you're all scared)
Pistol out at three, I'm loaded by 10
Go get some grub, then do it again, man I love Somalia

I love Somalia, do I really have to be executed or can I just stay out here for the rest of eternity?

things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura