Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Christmas List for Winners

This is for when you don't know what you want for Christmas.  Christmas is an annual opportunity in which you can ask for gifts- just because you don't know what you want does not mean you should waste that opportunity.  This is the list of things you did not know you wanted until right now:

The Jammy Pack
Rollerblade around in musical style with this awesome hands free, speaker-equipped fanny pack.  Fill it with candy!
I know, I know.  The Clocky (red) was in Seventeen this month.  But I swear- I have been wanting this tricky alarm clock for over a year now, in fact, it may have even been featured in a post before this.  Basically, the clocky is everything I have ever needed in an alarm clock.  It has wheels, so when it goes off, it rolls away and you have to get up and find it to turn it off!  It's extreme, but let's be honest, I am late to school/very close to late to school almost every day.
Headphone Splitter
Let's be real, if you have ever been forced to do the one-for-you-one-for-me method of headphone sharing, you have invented this in your mind.  You need this.
Like/Dislike Auto-Ink Stamps
How funny.  The dislike stamp isn't pictured, but they come as a pair!

The Dunk Mug
I know I just posted about the excellency of this mug- so technically, you did already know that you wanted this, but nevertheless.  This is a fantastic reminder.
Honey Badger Mug
 While we're still on the topic of mugs- it's the honey badger mug.  This chick on etsy made a whole series of them- and they're perfect.  I have a developed a small obsession with mugs and I really want to start a collection of them.

Oh god- these boots.  These boots.  I've pretty much been salivating over them since I first read this article about them on  They are so tall and stylish I can hardly stand it.  And the best part, as was pointed out by college fashion, is that it's a five inch heel but has a two inch platform.  Translation? It only feels like a three inch heel- and is therefore a great ratio of comfort to height gained.
This is honestly just the coolest piece of clothing I have ever seen and I think everyone should have one.  It might only come in kids sizes, AKA I would have to be anorexic for 3 months in order to fit into it but... it would be so worth it.


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things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura