Thursday, March 31, 2011

April 1!/Hayley finds a college! the 9's./I had other things planned...

TOP SEVEN/the seven I liked the best...
Michigan SU
Depaul U
U of Michigan- the favorite <3
U Maryland: College Park
George Washington U (If I decide I want to do international affairs I will go to GW.  There's not a high chance of that happening though.)
Miami U at Oxford
Cincinnati U

Michigan SU 9 #
Duquesne U
Miami U Ohio
9 arabic
Depaul U
8 prox., #
Ohio SU
#, sec.ed.
Washington U in St. Louis
$, prox.,
U of Michigan
Bradley U
loc/prox, ar
Elon U
prox, ar
Indiana U Pennsylvania
sec.ed., ar
Millersville U Pa
prox, ar
Seton Hall U
prox., ar.
Syracuse U
prox., ar
U Maine
prox., ar.,
Valparaiso U
8 #, ar.,

Ohio U
#, ar.
U Cincinnati
#, ar. Rider U
ar., prox.,

U Maryland: College Park
7, prox., #
George Washington U
7 prox, sec.ed., $

Ithaca C
ar.,, prox.
Lake Superior SU
#, prox, ar,
Loyola U
prox., m/w, ar. Grove City C
int.rel., #, ar.
Hofstra U
ar,, prox
Otterbein U
ar, m/w, #
Rhode Island C
m/w, prox., ar. (doesn't have  but does have international ngo studies and that is awesome.)
Rowan U
prox.,, ar.
U Evansville
#, ar., prox.
U Findlay
m/w, ar.,,
U Hartford
prox., span., ar.,
U Indianapolis
m/w., prox., ar.
 U Vermont
7 ar., prox.,

Bucknell U
7 loc/prox, maj/ar, #
Butler U
prox, ar, #
American U
m/w, loc/prox,ar.,
U Montana
7 ar., #, loc./undesirable  ...

Wheaton C
7 #, ar., prox.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm a Rebecca Black fangirl.

I've noticed that people love to hate "Friday" by Rebecca Black.  Well guess what.  I love to love it. 

I'm so sick of people telling young teenagers that they're not talented, that they're the reason pop music sucks today, and that they "represent everything bad in the world."  PUH-LEASE.  Rebecca Black is a 13 year old kid who likes to sing (and there are MUCH worse things in the world than this song, which in no way represents everything bad in the world. Just no.).  When I was 13, I would've loved to get to produce a song and a music video, and had I written the lyrics myself, they certainly wouldn't have been better than those of Friday.  Seriously.  She's 13.  

This isn't the first time though that adults have let the reputations of young teenagers fall by the wayside:  we've seen it plenty.  I'll come back to Justin Bieber, but let us not forget the tragedy of Lindsay Lohan.  The name now carries a trashy connotation, but Lohan used to be a really cute and talented actress.  Tabloids and fame made her the uncontrollable tornado she is now.  

The thing about YouTube is that no one from YouTube has gone through as many years of tabloid-torment as Lindsay Lohan or Winona Ryder or Paris Hilton or Britney Spears has, so we haven't yet seen the effects it has when the kid matures more.  The internet blows up everyone's opinions of these poor kids, and I can only imagine that they're more likely than anyone to end up the same way.  Broken, stolen from.  

I agree that her lyrics are crap and her singing isn't amazing, but let's be honest:  most people cannot sing better than her.  I watched her sing live and she has nice pitch and a cool tone, especially considering that she's 13.  I think that people should concentrate more on better aspects of young pop stars and encourage them rather than tell them to kill themselves.  For example, look at her smile the entire video.  She just smiles and sings stupid lyrics and then her smile inevitably gets bigger and prettier throughout the entire video.  How do you tell that face to kill herself, how?  

I know we like to have our little YouTube jokes, but how about we pick something like Drinking Out of Cups  instead to laugh it.  It's funnier, it's better, and you can't hurt the lizard's feeling by leaving rude comments.

(This is me coming back to Justin Bieber:  Stop calling him a fag.  Stop saying he's a girl or that he hasn't gone through puberty yet.  I'm not a fangirl, but the kid is legitimately talented.  He has a pretty voice, he's a good dancer and he can play the drums really well.  So stop.  You don't have to enjoy his music but you have no right to comment on his sexuality or his penis.  Hop off it.)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


BEDA is an acronym for Blog Every Day in April.  It's like NaNoWriMo but it's more of an acronym and less likely to destroy your life.

I'm going to do BEDA because I feel like blogging more often and for some reason I have the notion that because I do BEDA, I will have better ideas for my blogs.  Which is totally a nonsequitor idea but whateverrr.

Actually the real reason I want to do BEDA is to encourage Abbey and Zazu to do it too.  I love both of their blogs and mostly just wish that they wrote more so that I would have more to read. 

Anyways, the link for BEDA that I found on my school somputer meaning that it may not be the actual, legitimate link, is this :

And it has more information on BEDA.  Holla.

Andddd this is the pledge that I'm supposed to do (that makes it sound like homework. It's not homework, I'm looking forward and am excited to do this!):

I commit to this idea and am determined to create something EVERY DAY in April, including weekends. Every day, I will find something to say. I embrace the reality that there is always something to talk about, if you are willing to take the time to look for it.
I, Hayley Hartman, promise to blog every day in April.

Okay so now that I did it, your turn Zazu and Abbey.  Pleeeeaassseeeeeeeee!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

michael aranda. love.

In my last post I tried to explain my obsession with planning out college and stuff.  I explained about half of it, and then I was reading Michael Aranda's blog (...blawg) and I realized that I definitely find solace in planning the future  and having an idea of what my future will entail.  I really liked and related to this post:

"It’s interesting to think about how something relatively small and insignificant can throw your whole day out of whack, especially early in the day. I woke up this morning to something that should have been easily ignored and forgotten, but it embedded itself into me like a tiny splinter. Since then, I’ve had trouble focusing on other things, feeling anxious and nervous and unconfident in myself.
I figure it’s impossible to reach a place of emotional stability so fortified that such things will never become a bother again, so finding things that are adequately cathartic is important. Jogging, lifting weights, or other generally physical things usually help, but I don’t always have the ability/resources/space to do those things. I’ve tried reading, but, when I’m bothered by something, my mind can’t quiet down enough to actually absorb the words on the page. Recently, I’ve become interested in meditation as a possible solution, but it presents issues similar to reading, in that my mind simply remains too noisy. In addition, most resources I’ve found on the subject of meditation approach it from a spiritual/supernatural perspective, which is not something I’m interested in at all.
Planning for the future is something that I’ve found to be emotionally cleansing. To that end, I’ve more or less decided what I want to do with my life through 2014. Plans can and do change, of course, but having a set direction in which to travel feels nice."

Check out his blog at

saturday saturday gettin' down on saturday

Ugh I HATE the past few posts I've put up.  I mean the college ones are helpful to me but not interesting at all to you, and then there's the ominous-something-bad-will-happen one and then there is the crybaby one.  Those two posts are both just so negative and my life is fine so I need to stop complaining.

I've started feeling so positive lately, mostly due to yesterday's events.  It started with going to district contest and receiving good enough ratings to allow us to go to states.  I really wasn't expecting to end up with such good results and maybe with states in the distance we can turn this year around in choir and end up with a really good year.

Last night I went to a concert in Cleveland to see the Mike Lombardo Trio and Driftless Pony Club.  I got to see and meet some of my favorite people on YouTube, which was strange.  I'm so used to seeing them in a little box on my computer, but it kind of reminded me that everyone on YouTube is a real person.  I realized that I haven't talked much about YouTube on my blog and that I probably should.  I love YouTube.  I watch various people's vlogs close to every day.  I love the community that has formed on YouTube and the self-initiation that YouTube entails.  You have all the tools you need to be popular on YouTube so long as you have a camera, and I love that it's like that.  You don't need to get signed, you don't need an agent.  No one has to believe in you but yourself, which doesn't sounds so positive, but trust me, it is.  YouTube is all about a you can do it! attitude.

But anyways, I met Mike Lombardo and Hayley Hoover and Alex and Andy (last names ..?) in  real life.  They were all so nice and thankful for their supporters and it was really nice to see that in person.  Today I watched a video of Mike performing "You Should Know" to Michael Buckley,  and other than the fact that Mike cried while performing this which was d'awwww-worthy, at the end someone called out "we love you!" and without missing a beat Mike said "I love you too!"  Any performer can do that but after meeting him, you truly know that he does love everyone who takes the time to watch his videos and who takes the time to come out and see him.  Mike and Hayley remind me more than anyone that I being yourself will lead to more happiness than anything else.

And I kind of got to thinking on the notion of love and how neither Hayley nor Mike would waste their time with people who are fake or who take themselves too seriously, and that's how they ended up with each other.  Funny people who aren't afraid to make fun of themselves and they're not perfect but they're willing to be vulnerable.  I got to thinking about the kind of relationship I would want to be in myself, and about how I think I would want it the same way.  I don't take my self seriously most of the time and I don't like it when other people do either.  I like to be silly and run around and do stupid things and do things when I want to do them . I don't want the perfect guy, I just want someone who is willing to be fun and just go out and do stuff because we can.

And then those thoughts got me thinking about why it is that I'm so obsessed with college and with going away.  I'm very bored with my life right now, and up until high school, I could pretty much count on that most of my actions would have almost no effect on my future at all.  But now everything I do either threatens my future in college or beyond that, or it strengthens my future in college or beyond.  So I find it hard to keep working towards a goal that doesn't have a name.  I don't know where I want to go or where I would fit in, but I would like to know.

So I started out with this post kind of apologizing (I didn't actually apologize but I am now- Sorry.) for the negative and boring stuff I've posted recently and originally titled this "yuck and yuck" but now I feel better so I'm changing the title.  kcool ttyl.

Also I love Sam and Laura who went to the concert with me.  Thank you guys so much for going with me!

Hayley finds a college: this is the longest post I'll ever write.

1.  Location- City, State.  Whether it was a good or bad place to live
2.  Location- proximity to home.  Within a 5 hour drive
3.  Ratio of women to men-  (60/40 max.)I know this one is stupid but I don't want to go to a school with 66% females.  I just don't.
4.  Major- Education (general)
5.  Major- Secondary Education (this one was kind of like a bonus point.)
6.  Major- Arabic
7.  Major- Spanish
8.  Major- International Relations
9.  Number of students- between 4,000 and 15,000
10.  Cost-  <40,000
For the initial rating, I'm going to type what the college doesn't have.

American U
7 m/w, loc/prox, maj/ar.,
Bradley U
8 loc/prox, maj/ar
Brown U
6 $, maj./sec.ed., maj/ar., loc/prox
Bucknell U
7 loc/prox, maj/ar, #
Butler U
7 prox, ar, #
Colgate U
5 #, prox., $, ar., sec. ed.,
Dartmouth C
5 $, prox., ed, sec.ed., internat'l relat.
Duquesne U
9 arabic
Elmhurst C
5 #, m/w, prox., ar, internat'l relat.
Elon U
8 prox, ar
Fairfield U
4 #, m/w, prox., ar, ed, sec. ed.
Gannon U
6 #, ar, span, int.rel.
George Washington U
7 prox, sec.ed., $
Gettysburg C
5 #, $, ed.sec., ar., prox
Grove City C
7 int.rel., #, ar.
Hobart and William Smith C
4 prox, #, $, ed., sec.ed., ar.
Hofstra U
7 ar,, prox
Indiana U Pennsylvania
8 sec.ed., ar
Ithaca C
7 ar.,, prox.
Lake Superior SU
7 #, prox, ar,
Loyola U
7 prox., m/w, ar.
Manhattan C
6 #, prox., ar.,
Miami U Ohio
9 arabic
Michigan SU
9 #
Middlebury C
4 #, $, ed., ed. sec., ar, prox.,
Millersville U Pa
8 prox, ar
Muhlenberg C
5 ed., sec.ed., ar., #., prox.
Nazareth C
5 m/w, #, prox, ar.,
7 prox., $, ar
Otterbein U
7 ar, m/w, #
Providence C
6 prox., #, ar.,
Rhode Island C
7 m/w, prox., ar. (doesn't have  but does have international ngo studies and that is awesome.)
Rowan U
7 prox.,, ar.
Seton Hall U
8 prox., ar.
Springfield C
5 #, prox., span., ar.
Stonehill C
5 #, m/w, sec.ed., ar.prox
Syracuse U
8 prox., ar.
Trinity C
5 #, $, sec.ed., ar., prox
Tufts U
6 $, sec.ed., ar., prox
U Chicago
6 prox., $, ed., sec.ed.,
U Evansville
7 #, ar., prox.
U Findlay
7 m/w, ar.,,
U Hartford
7 prox., span., ar.,
U Indianapolis
7 m/w., prox., ar.
U Maine
8 prox., ar.,
U Pennsylvania
6 $, sec.ed., ar., prox
U Vermont
7 ar., prox.,
Valparaiso U
8 #, ar.,
Vassar C
#, $. prox., ed., sec.ed., ar.
Wheaton C
7 #, ar., prox.
Wilkes U
6 #, sec.ed., ar., prox.
York C of Pa
8 ar., prox.
Ohio SU
8 #, sec.ed.

These are the first 50 results from my naviance search:
Ohio U
#, ar.
U Montana
7 ar., #, loc./undesirable  ...
U Virginia
5 ed., sec.ed., prox., #, ar.
Washington U in St. Louis
8 $, prox.,
U of Michigan
8 #,
DePaul U
9 prox.
U Maryland: College Park
7, prox., #
U Cincinnati
8 #, ar.
Castleton SC
6 #, prox.,, ar.
Berry C
6 m/w, prox., #, ar.
C of Wooster
6 #, sec.ed.,, ar.
Northeastern Illinois U
6 ar.,, sec.ed., prox.,
Rider U
ar., prox.,

Okay  and out of all those colleges, if none of them seem good then I'll come back and look over these last few and see if they're good but unless that happens, I may never look at these ones below this.  I am far too lazy.

Illinois Wesleyan U
Indiana SU
Aurora U
William  Patterson U of NJ
SUNY Cortland
Shepherd U
Quinnipiac U
Salem SU
SUNY C at Oswego
U Richmond
Augusta SU
U of SC upstate
Binghamton U- SUNY
Clemson U
Brooklyn C- CUNY
U of MI- Flint
SUNY at Purchase College
Indiana U- South Bend
American International College
Dominican  C

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hayley finds a college- The starter list

1.  Location- City, State.  Whether it was a good or bad place to live
2.  Location- proximity to home.  Within a 5 hour drive
3.  Ratio of women to men-  I know this one is stupid but I don't want to go to a school with 66% females.  I just don't.
4.  Major- Education (general)
5.  Major- Secondary Education (this one was kind of like a bonus point.)
6.  Major- Arabic
7.  Major- Spanish
8.  Major- International Relations
9.  Number of students- between 4,000 and 15,000
10.  Cost-  <40,000

I don't know how many colleges there are here.  If I don't find a perfect one, I'll start over.  Half of the naviance ones are bull thoughhhh.

These are the results from my collegeboad search:
American U
Bradley U
Brown U
Bucknell U
Butler U
Colgate U
Dartmouth C
Duquesne U
Elmhurst C
Elon U
Fairfield U
Gannon U
George Washington U
Gettysburg C
Grove City C
Hobart and William Smith C
Hofstra U
Indiana U Pennsylvania
Ithaca C
Lake Superior SU
Loyola U
Manhattan C
Miami U Ohio
Michigan SU
Middlebury C
Millersville U Pa
Muhlenberg C
Nazareth C
Northern Mi U
Otterbein U
Providence C
Rhode Island C
Rowan U
Seton Hall U
Springfield C
Stonehill C
Syracuse U
Trinity C
Tufts U
U Chicago
U Evansville
U Findlay
U Hartford
U Indianapolis
U Maine
U Pennsylvania
U Vermont
Valparaiso U
Wheaton C
Wilkes U
Xavier U
York C of Pa
Ohio SU

These are the first 50 results from my naviance search:
Trinity C
Ohio U
U Montana
U Virginia
Washington U in St. Louis
U of Michigan
American U
U Texas at Austin
DePaul U
Bringham Young U
North Dakota SU
Temple U
U Maryland
U Cincinnati
Bradley U
U Hartford
Castleton SC
Berry C
C of Wooster
Dartmouth C
Northeaster Illinois U
Ithaca C
Rider U
Illinois Wesleyan U
Indiana SU
Aurora U
William  Patterson U of NJ
SUNY Cortland
Shepherd U
Quinnipiac U
Salem SU
SUNY C at Oswego
U Richmond
Augusta SU
Slippery Rock U
U of SC upstate
Binghamton U- SUNY
Hofstra U
Bucknell  U
Clemson U
Nazareth C
Miami U- Oxford
Brooklyn C- CUNY
U of MI- Flint
SUNY at Purchase College
Indiana U- South Bend
U of Vermont
American International College
Northwestern U
Dominican  C

Hayley finds a college- Introduction

I have an incredible list of colleges suggested to me by or by naviance or by friends and I've spent the last few days trying to rate them and to get a top 10 or maybe even a top 5.

My biggest problem though is that I'm so scared that I won't find the perfect college, so when I'm going through my list rating the colleges and trying to figure out which ones are a better fit than others, I make some colleges seem better than they actually are.  I got more lax on my ratings because I wanted to like some colleges.  Now my entire list is full of false ratings and total bullshit, so I have to start over AGAIN.  So this is going to be my "Hayley finds a college" post series.

It will probably be boring for you but if I write out everything, it'll be clearer for me, and um, lest you need be reminded, this is my blog.

Hahahahahah I'm funny.

What I was judging to obtain a score out of 10 were the following criteria:
1.  Location- City, State.  Whether it was a good or bad place to live
2.  Location- proximity to home.  Within a 5 hour drive
3.  Ratio of women to men-  I know this one is stupid but I don't want to go to a school with 66% females.  I just don't.
4.  Major- Education (general)
5.  Major- Secondary Education (this one was kind of like a bonus point.)
6.  Major- Arabic
7.  Major- Spanish
8.  Major- International Relations
9.  Number of students- between 4,000 and 10,000
10.  Cost-  <40,000

I think that the criteria I have set out are fair in order to obtain an idea of the type of college I would like to attend out of 10.  The only thing I would like to change is 9.  So, for the new list, it'll be between 4,000 and 15,000 students.  This should provide the framework for finding a good college.

1.  Location- City, State.  Whether it was a good or bad place to live
2.  Location- proximity to home.  Within a 5 hour drive
3.  Ratio of women to men-  I know this one is stupid but I don't want to go to a school with 66% females.  I just don't.
4.  Major- Education (general)
5.  Major- Secondary Education (this one was kind of like a bonus point.)
6.  Major- Arabic
7.  Major- Spanish
8.  Major- International Relations
9.  Number of students- between 4,000 and 15,000
10.  Cost-  <40,000

Soooo.  Back to the drawing board.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Response to people who complain about colleges sending them e-mails,

I know that it must be annoying, but colleges clogging your inbox means that you must have met some sort of their criteria for their students.  Honestly, I haven't received ANY college emails or letters.  So I'm freakin worried. 


P.S.  Abbey, I am literally writing this as you write your " Dear college emails and letters,"  hahahahahaa.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I feel strange.

I remember the place I was in last summer so well.  I wasn't happy all the time but nothing was so bad.  Nothing was so stressful, everything was easy.  Everything was nice even when it wasn't because I knew that it actually was all going to be nice eventually anyways.  And I remember when I remembered how different I feel in the winter.  I remember having panic attacks because I knew how I would lose myself a little in the winter, like always.  I freaked out.  I had reason to though.

Like always, this winter I lost my energy.  I lost my passion for things I want to be passionate about.  I guess that's not exactly what passion is- when you lose it so easily.  But it is.  I know what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm not doing it.

But you probably remember that I've already written a post about my nostalgia for summer.  I'm just going to keep going with this anyway.

I cannot wait for the minute summer starts.  I'll finish my last final and inevitably Laura and I will cruise around and crank the Ke$ha and cause some ruckus and do something crazy (notice all them k sounds.)  and run away from everything junior year has turned out to be.  It's been a disappointment, it's been a little bit wasted, it's been a lot angry, it's been sad.  But mostly, a disappointment. (I know- redundancy on the word disappointment.  That's how disappointing.)

Sometimes I see my friends decomposing in their lack of vitamin D as well and it makes me sad.  I was kind of comfortable and selfish believing that I was the one who winter really really changes, but I'm not.  We all are a little different, a little harsh. 

And I gotta tell you the truth- I sense something strange.  Something's going to happen and it will be weird and new and surprising and wrong.  It's going to be wrong.  I have an idea what it will be- and with whom, but I can't even say it out loud because it's just so not meant to be.  But what else could be than what will happen?

See- I feel strange.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So, in gymnastics, sometimes you land on your face.  It happens.  It's never fun, it's never pleasant, and it's always scary but you'll be fine.  Wait, won't you?  No, get back up on the mini-tramp and try that trick again.  You can do it.  You can do it right?  What hurts?  No it's okay.  No, you'll be okay.  Hayley come on.  You'll be okay.  Try it again.  You're not pushing yourself hard enough, dust yourself off and make sure to take some ibuprofen when you get home.

You've taken ibuprofen, huh?  And it still hurts?  It couldn't have been from that fall, Hayley.  You were okay after that, weren't you?  I thought you were okay.  You're always okay.  Just try a few back-hand-springs Hayley.  Don't you want to show your mom a whip back next Sunday?  Well then try again.   Your back still hurts?  Well ice when you get home, you're just sore because you haven't been to practice in awhile.  Try again.  Harder.   Faster.  Again.  Again.  Harder.  Faster.  Again.  Again.

Stop complaining Hayley, it's not that bad.  It's only been three and a half weeks.  It has definitely started feeling better since at first, right?  No?  You probably don't remember what it was like at first anyways.  Come on Hayley.  Faster.  Harder.  Again.  Again.  Again.  Stop complaining.  Why don't you go to the gym?  Why don't you do something.  Come on, stop talking about your back.  Not everyone needs to know how "hurt" you are.  Hayley, faster.  Come on Hayley.

Hayley, man up.  You're scared, huh?  Why's that?  Oh, that again.  When you breathe, huh?   And when you stretch?  And when you cry?  And when you cry.  And painkillers don't help?  Well how many do you take?  Well... that's more than someone your size should be taking anyways.  And... you're scared?  Yeah you're scared.  Hayley, you're scared.

You're scared Hayley.  And you're crying.  And you took four ibuprofen.  And it still hurts.

Maybe it's just extra sensitive today.  And maybe it was just extra sensitive yesterday too.  And just so you know, Hayley, are you even listening to me?   It's probably going to be extra sensitive tomorrow too.

(disclaimer:  these are absolutely in no way the words of my coach.  this is everything going on completely inside my head.)

I have so many things!

-why I hate chem
-my back and injury in general

Okay, now that I'm organized.  Those are probably the next four posts I'll write.
Anddddd we're off!

I work at theas a lifeguard.  Abbey Kane just did a post on lifeguarding as well and you can view that here
so yeah I'm a copycat whee!  Actually I was just doing a lot of thinking yesterday while I was guarding and this is what I came up with.

I got there at 5:45, early for my shift, and we needed another guard so I called my friend Keith and asked if he could come guard until close and he obliged.  I went and sat to guard the circle pool which is just the standard normal pool and the diving well which is attached to the circle pool.  This happens to me a lot but I'm always a little insulted when it does- an old man asked me if I was still awake.  In fact he did it kind of rudely.  He yelled out "I'm drowning, I'm drowning!"  Okay, first of all, if I could listen for people drowning because they ask for help, I would be playing angry birds while guarding.  But guess what, drowning is really silent actually.  That's why you have to use your eyes to guard.  And along with that, I'm at that pool guarding around 3 to 4 times a week.  I'm there enough to be used to it and I'm vigilant enough to not fall asleep.  Helloooooooooo?

A little bit later I was guarding the lap pool as a kid swim team had their practice.  The lane closest to me had in it a couple very little kids, probably around 7 or so.  For these kids, getting across the pool is a task in itself and it's difficult for them because they're so small.  I was thinking about the kind of heart it takes to be on a swim team when you're so young and have to swim full laps and I decided these kids are the ones you want working for you.  There weren't many of them but they were working so hard and I admired them for that as they swam away.

And then there's the water motor/aerobics class.  It's this class of ladies between 30 years and probably 60 years who do this kind of simple water workout every Monday and Wednesday.  I have a few issues with the class itself, but last night they were just kind of rude.  Their class officially ends at 9, meaning that they should be out of the pool by or at that time.  Especially last night.  Last night there was a boy, his father, his grandfather, and his mother there with a deep-water vehicle robot dealio, and they needed the diving well in order to do their experiments.  But of course, the women's class was in the diving well until what should have been 9 and the family was waiting to use that pool.  The class was in the diving well "jogging" laps around and then around 9:06, the teacher made an announcement.  I thought that she would say that they needed to get out, seeing as that they had already overstayed their allotted pool-time, but no, she said "time for wall work!"  They ended up being in the pool until around 9:14, leaving about 16 minutes for the boy and his family to use that pool before we closed down the pool for tonight.  The family left, defeated by the class, taking their cart-full of stuff with them.

I just had such a problem with how rude it was for the teacher of that class to stay in the pool so long after her pool time was over, especially when it was hindering so much the progress of that boy.  Just because they're older than the entire staff that night doesn't mean that they could just take over like that, and I felt so bad when that boy was walking out with his family.  It was sad to see them go like that, and there was nothing I could have done.

I guess the weird thing was that the people I looked up to most all day were the people I would actually be looking down at, the little girls in the lap pool and the boy with his water robot.  They handled themselves so much better than the ladies in that class and especially the lady in charge of that class.  Shouldn't adults be setting better examples for teenagers, especially when they're the ones who wish we would be more courteous?

It just kinda steamed my nuggets, ya know?

things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura