Friday, November 26, 2010

slightly lucid dreaming ?

I'm really lame.  I'm not that sick but I get really tired quickly and I sound sick and annoying.  So I just act really sick and retreat to my room a lot. But!  This morning I had two dreams.

One, probably the most collectively positive dream I have ever had.  Like, nothing bad happened.  I went on a field trip to Bradley Woods or Clague Park or just some woods and we walked around.  I ended up walking next to a boy I liked and using all three of his hands he gave me an awesome back massage while walking and simultaneously held my hand.  Then we walked and he held both my hands at the same time, which would've been a really awkward position to walk in except that it was my dream and it was perfect.  And then he said "Hayley, I'm not sure that I can do this." and I asked what it was we were doing and he just said "You know." and I said "Well that's perfect because I don't really like to date anyways," and he just smiled.  So I guess had the dream continued we would've stayed together.  Wish we had.

And then my second dream was one of the most collectively negative dreams I have ever had ever ever ever.  I was at work at Peterson Pool, I'm a lifeguard, but it wasn't actually the pool I work at, it was somewhere else and I just knew that that was where I was.  I had picked up a shift from 10 to 3 for a classmate of mine who isn't a lifeguard and works at the library, not the pool.  So that was weird.  And then at 3pm no one came to rotate me out of the chair I was sitting in by the baby pool.  So I kept looking around trying to figure out what was happening and then the big blonde lady wearing a suit and tall heels and she was giant walked over with my supervisor and told me to lay down on the pool deck.  So I did, and as soon as I laid all the way down my body stretched to be as tall as that of the blonde lady, and she drew lines all up my body with a red marker.  Then, on the lines, she burned me all up my body.  She started at my ankles and worked up to my neck.  It didn’t hurt though, I didn’t flinch, I did what I was told.  And then she pulled out a knife, and she cut my ankle, deep, on the lines.  The cut didn't hurt, but I felt the warm splash of blood on my leg.  And then she cut up on the other lines, but only up to my calf.  I kept thinking, why don’t I just wake up.  And when she cut my calf, I did.  I was almost conscious when all this happened but I wanted to see what would happen if I just kept letting the dream go on.  I wanted to see how I would get out of it, which was weird because now I’m just happy that I woke up.  It was weird though that the only time I felt blood was when my ankle was cut. It was my right ankle, I was laying on my left side and that was the ankle on top.  I was facing a huge body of water, the Pacific Ocean I think, so my body was facing west.  My feet were at the north and my head south.  It’s weird that I can remember what directions we were facing.

But yeah.  As far as creepy dreams go, this one's up there for me.  It was queer though that it followed such a good dream.  Usually when I have nightmares or bad dreams or whatever, I don't get physically harmed at all.  It will just be me trying to avoid physical harm or trying to save everyone else I know from it.  And I've also never had a dream where I woke up and was screaming or anything. There really wasn't any aspect of the first dream that was bad though.  I was:
- in nature, in the sun, where I love to be.
- with people I like and with a guy who I think is really smart and just good.
- not stresses about being in a relationship with anyone at all, I was just enjoying myself and living
- not nervous, not stressed.  Just well.

And then there was absolutely nothing good about the second dream.  I was:
- at work, which isn't such hell as seemed in the dream but getting out of there did have a certain desperation.
- outside, which I did say I loved but it was really hot and sweaty, and the only thing to cool me off the whole time was the blood on my ankle.
- being mutilated by a strange giant.
-  not being paid because it was only a dream.

There really was nothing good going on at all.  That truly was the weirdest dream combo I can ever remember, but also I usually can't remember any of my dreams and the fact that I remembered two is kind of extraordinary.  

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things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura