Thursday, April 7, 2011


Alright so like I said before, not eating dairy has SERIOUSLY cut down the options for me at my house and in my school cafeteria, and it's gotten frustrating to look for things to eat so I kind of just avoid eating all together.  I mean, I pretty much developed the same feelings for eating as I already had about showers:  why do you have to do it so often?

Finding food is kind of a hassle now and I need to go grocery shopping or something.  I'm perpetually hungry but also I'm pretty proud of myself for maintaining to the best of my ability* this dairy-free diet. 

But seeing as my stomachs been speaking the hunger language and it's a major problem (Major Problem!) since last Saturday, when I began this insanity, I was really missing that awful "ugh I ate far too much and now feel lethargic"  feeling.  I just haven't felt full to any extent in a week, so today I came home from school and made a blueberry pancake with soy milk instead of normal milk (didn't taste different at all.).

Now- when I say blueberry pancake, you think of a normal 6 to 7ish inch diameter, 1/2 inch thick pancake.  AW HELL NAH WE GO HARD UP IN THE HARTMAN HIZZLE.  What I did was cut the pancake recipe on the bisquick box in half and then make all of that batter into ONE MONSTER PANCAKE.  And I feel so full and it's fairly disgusting but it feels so nice to be not hungry right now. 

Yesterday I went back and calorie counted what I ate for the day and I ended up with 1029 calories, and that was definitely more than I had on Monday or Tuesday because yesterday I had a burrito bowl.  On top of that, I've been working out every day so I think I need to be eating more?  Maybe this lack of food is why it's been so hard to get up in the morning.

Anyways, happy April everyone!  I'll probably end up posting again today unless you're lucky.

*Gah everybody I messed up.  I messed up bad.  Okay not that bad.  Today I ate a sugar cookie (butter...) from my school's cafeteria but it was an accident and there's a long boring story about why I was socially required to eat said sugar cookie, but you don't care about that? Do you?  Nope!

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things I like

  • clocky alarm clocks!!! *mom, christmas?!
  • L4D2
  • squirrels
  • gilmore girls, I watch it. All. The. Time.
  • thanksgiving
  • tv
  • acoustic music
  • singing loud
  • my best friend, Laura